Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back with Your Looks

Are you "super fly," and can't understand how your boyfriend could have dumped you? With a hot new look and attitude, you can surely get him back in a flash.


Assess the Damage

  1. What has really happened? Relationships go wrong for a whole lots of reasons. Take an honest look at yourself and see what part you played the first time you met him. If it was your fault that things went sour, go ahead and try to get him back. If he never treated you well, why do you even want him back? Maybe you really are better off without him.
  2. He's the best thing that ever happened to you. O.k., you've thought it through and you can't live without him. Somewhere along the way he lost interest in you. Were you mean to him? Maybe you were too nice.

Don't Be Too Nice

  1. Men like a woman with a little bit of attitude. There's a fine line though. Don't be the trashy girl who treats people like crap. That's not attractive either.
  2. Be confident. Confidence is more attractive than almost anything else, but it has to be genuine confidence. The fake variety is worse than none at all.
  3. Be flirtatious. But not with his closest friends.
  4. Love yourself. How can you expect someone to love you if you don't love yourself? Start taking care of your own wants and needs, and you'll be surprised at how attractive you suddenly become.

Act Fine Without Him

  1. There is nothing attractive about desperation. Don't let him see you crying, and whatever you do, don't beg him to take you back.
    • Even if it's hard, pretend that you don't care.
    • When you get back together, you can hug him and tell him how you really felt. Now is not the time.
  2. Count on your friends. Spend time with your best friends. Go to the movies, a concert, or just hang-out at their houses. Do whatever makes you happy.
    • Your friends will help you cultivate your inner strength.
  3. Go on a date with someone new. This is a tricky one. While you certainly don't want to lead on an innocent guy, nothing will get under your ex's skin like the knowledge that you are already dating again. Bam!
  4. Be seen. Make sure you are out and about. Don't hole-up and hide under the covers. Get out there and show the world that you are just fine on your own.
  5. Bump into his friends. Be nice to them, but don't flirt: it makes you look bad. Be sweet and polite to them. Word will get back to him that you are looking good.

Find Out If He's Seeing Anyone

  1. He's still single. That's good news. That means he didn't leave you for someone else.
    • Try asking him directly what went wrong.
    • Tell him you still care about him, but don't ask him back out.
  2. He does have a new girl. Tell him that you're happy for him. Be nice. When things go wrong between them, he'll come running back to you.
    • Don't badmouth the new girl he's seeing. Be classy.

Make Your Move

  1. Dress in your sexiest clothes — or go out and get some new ones. It's easy to get too comfortable when you've been in a relationship for a while. Sweatpants aren't cutting it anymore. He can't resist a girl in sexy clothes, so be that girl.
  2. Ask him to stop over to your house. Did he leave anything behind when he broke up with you? A book or an album? Tell him you want to give it back. Flirt with him and look nice when he arrives. If he asks you to hang-out for longer than it takes to return his items, tell him you're sorry but you can't. You're going out with friends.

Reverse It

  1. Make him want you. Your goal is to get him so worked up that he can't stop thinking about you. Soon, he'll be asking you out again.
  2. He made a mistake. It was a bad move to dump a hot girl like you. Be the girl he's always dreamed about.

Be Honest

  1. Don't play too many games. Sure, you're working it a little. But know when to stop. Don't go too far. Accept responsibility for the things you did that caused problems. A good relationship requires honesty, so once you do have him back make sure you both are willing to work on your relationship.


  • Be seen having fun.
  • While trying to dress nice stay true to yourself and wear something that is comfortable for you and says it's you. For example if you are a sporty girl wear some nice jeans with a nice top but if you are very girly wear wear a pretty dress, you know, something like a pink coloured frilled frock. And remember you don't have to wear a really short skirt and a tight shirt to look beautiful. While people might look at you, it does not necessarily mean that you are comfortable with the dress.
  • Take care of yourself. Go running. Get some exercise.
  • Don't get stuck in a back-and-forth relationship. If it goes bad again, let it go.
  • Be genuine about your feelings for him when you do get a chance to talk in private.
  • Go on a date.
  • Try to not 'accidentally' bump into him for around 10-15 days after your break up. Then show up in your sexiest clothes and some confidence. He'll regret later. :").

Things You'll Need

  • Sexy clothes (tasteful)
  • Good friends

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