Get a Celebrity to Follow You on Twitter
Many celebrities have Twitter accounts where they post updates on upcoming events they're attending, what's happening in their life or other things about which their fans may be interested. In the same way it is exciting for some people to meet a celebrity, it is exciting for others if a favorite celebrity follows their Twitter updates. While there's no guarantee your favorite celebrity will follow you on Twitter, you can increase your likelihood of success by engaging with their tweets in an entertaining fashion. Over time you may start to become even more noticeable by your favourite celebrity.
Following the Celebrity
- Follow the celebrity on Twitter. Find the celebrity's Twitter handle by typing in the celebrity's name into Twitter's search bar. If nothing comes up, try looking on their website or portfolio for their Twitter Follow link.
- If you see a blue icon with a white check mark next to a Twitter account, that means that Twitter has taken steps to verify the identity of that account. A verified account means that the celebrity in question owns that Twitter account.
- Be wary of unverified Twitter accounts. It's easy to find pictures of a celebrity on the Internet to use as the avatar. Fans and other people may try to impersonate the celebrity for attention or for malicious spamming.
- Pay attention to how the celebrity uses their Twitter account. The more active they are on Twitter and the more personal their tweets are, the better your chances of getting them to engage with you. After considering the following questions, if it doesn't seem like your celebrity does much personal engagement on Twitter, you may want to consider moving on to another favorite celebrity.
- How frequent are their tweets?
- Do they frequently tweet themselves, or hire someone else to tweet on their behalf?
- Do they post pictures and links in addition to text tweets, or do they do the bare minimum?
- Do they post their personal thoughts, or just use their Twitter as a way to promote their business commercially?
- Have they ever sent an @message to one of their fans and engaged in a conversation with them?
- For example, Christina Perri not only tweets multiple times a day, but also with photos and hashtags, suggesting that she is an experienced Twitter user. Her tweets are personal enough that they probably come straight from her. Your chances of getting her to follow you are decent if you make a strong favorable impression on her, but notice how her (public) interactions with fans on Twitter are low.
Engaging with the Celebrity
- Reflect upon why you are a fan of this celebrity. Do you like their music or sports performance? Make sure to stay on top of their latest productions and accomplishments by reading news sites that would feature your celebrity, such as TMZ, Perez Hilton, Yahoo! News, E! Online, and others. Subscribing to Google News alerts for emails about articles that mention your celebrity is also a good idea.
- Make a note of what organizations and charities the celebrity is involved with. Follow them on Twitter and stay on top of their work as well. If it accords with your personal beliefs, you may even make a donation to that charity and let the celebrity know.
- Involve the celebrity in your tweets. Use hashtags that they use and are trying to promote. Retweet their tweets to your followers, especially when they are asking fans to check something out or are promoting another entity. Reply to their tweets with your reactions and thoughts. This will flood their Twitter streams with comments from you, making them more familiar and comfortable with you. As a result, they may start following you.
- Don't be annoying. Remember that they are human beings, and don't like to be spammed or to receive the similar overexcited messages repeatedly. Make sure each interaction you make with them is meaningful.
- Time your engagements well. Responding to every single one of their tweets comes off as desperate and fake. Only respond when you have something interesting to say or when you really want to get their tweet out to others. Engaging with them more than twice a day borders on excessive.
- Tweet @ the celebrity! When your celebrity accomplishes something or does something praiseworthy, tweet at them to congratulate them and express your appreciation for the work that they do.
- Make sure to time it appropriately—hence the importance on staying up-to-date about the latest news surrounding your celebrity. They're human beings too; they would appreciate a compliment on their new album or hairstyle just as much as the rest of us would.
- Ideally, you want to produce an emotional reaction from the celebrity to your tweet. If you liked their new dress, say why or talk about an outfit it inspired you to wear. Feel free to include photos! If you enjoyed their entire new album, say that it's been playing on repeat for the past 13 hours.
- Make sure what you're saying is true: celebrities can tell when someone is being over-the-top and brown-nosing for attention rather than expressing genuine appreciation.
- Use humor and wit to make your tweet stand out. If you can get a laugh out of somebody, they like you better already and are almost certain to reply.
- Ask a question, when possible. Don't force it, but some of the tweets you make to the celebrity will naturally lend themselves to a further question, which will encourage the celebrity to reply back to you. For example, you can ask when their next tour is coming up, or what their favorite piece in their new fashion collection is.
- Make sure your question doesn't require a lengthy response, as Twitter only allows 140 characters per response. For example, a question about the source of inspiration for a song would be a better choice for an email or direct message on Twitter than a tweet.
- Tweet to your followers. Try tweeting to your followers about the celebrity. Be sure to tag them at the beginning or end, and only say nice things. Celebs don't want to see their name attached to a hate message.
- You can also tweet out to your followers to follow the celebrity. For example, you could say: "@celebrity is only 10 followers away from getting to 12K! Hit that follow button, sweethearts!" Celebs love it when their fans help them gain more followers. This usually works, and it's amazing because the celeb will have more followers, and they may even tweet you thanks (or follow you).
Responding to a Celebrity Who Follows You
- If you can get the celebrity to successfully engage with you, reply to the celebrity! Thank them for their response to your question, comment on it, and continue the conversation for as long as it is natural. Keep in mind that it is unlikely they will tweet at you twice, so you might want to wrap it up quickly.
- Finish off with a note that you'd appreciate it if they would follow you on Twitter, as you are a big fan of their work. Because you've already expressed your admiration for them and had a personal interaction with you, they're much more likely to oblige to your request.
- Don't pressure, bribe, or threaten celebrities to follow you. You want them to follow you because they appreciate you as a fan. You want them to want to follow you—not for some other external reason.
- Celebrities get a lot of messages, so make sure you seize the right time and then leave the message.
- Target celebrities who follow many other Twitter users. Some high profile celebrities follow a minimal amount of other people (usually other celebrities), so your chances of getting them to follow you are minimal. However, by searching who celebrities are following, you may find they follow a wide variety of people and not just other celebrities. Ask celebrities with a variety of followers if they will follow you on Twitter.
- Don't get discouraged. Realize it may be impossible to get some celebrities to follow you. More than likely, you aren't going to be the first person requesting they follow you. Despite how clever or intriguing your tweet directed to them may be, they won't be interested.
- Many celebrities use a public relations representative to run their Twitter account for them. If this is the case, it will be harder to get them to follow you. Your success rate of getting celebrities to follow you will be much higher if you're contacting the actual celebrity through Twitter.
- Don't constantly ask them to follow you. They may only follow once every, say, month or so. You don't want them to get annoyed.
- Don't spam them with comments as they will think you are annoying, just be friendly.
- Don't send a threatening message to the celebrity vowing to do something drastic if they don't follow you. This will not only result in them being even less likely to follow you, but depending on your country this may lead to criminal charges against you, too.
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