Get a Guy or Girl Using MSN Messenger
Too shy to talk to somebody to their face? Try talking online, it might just help!
- Get the person's email address.
- Ask him/her themselves
- Find out if the person does have MSN, then just ask around
- Talk to your friends in front of him about MSN, then next time you see him, ask him for it.
- Start talking generally to him, and if he doesn't know you, find some reasonable excuse for how you know him, e.g. he's in your year at school, or he's a friend of a friend.
- Start to ask him a couple of questions about him and his life, then he will know that you are interested in him.
- Get into some really deep conversations, whilst being able to hide the occasional blush when you touch a sensitive subject. and you never know, you could get asked out - on MSN!
- Get him to play 20 questions with you; this is a great game because it allows you to ask him very personal questions and gets to know a little about you as well .
- Arrange to meet up then.....
- Also don't be afraid to tell him a compliment! try something like: i like your hair!
- When you do see them face to face, refer to what you talk about on MSN, it always reassures them that they are talking to you
- Some days, let that person talk to you first. If they don't talk to you first in three consecutive days, think of other ways to contact them.
- Don't be afraid to be yourself. If he likes you it should be you he likes not who you are pretending to be!
- Don't leave it too long to let the other person know you like them
- Don't be boring, be yourself, you don't want him to like someone you're not, if your boring it will be harder to find something to talk about.
- Know that even if you're not shy, the object of your affection might be!
- Do not rely on MSN as your only means of communication. If you are too used to being flirty on MSN, it might get awkward when you talk to him in real life.
- Don't message this person too much, you will get blocked.
- also ask him out on a Friday or if he says no say it was a joke!
- If he/she has a slow computer wait some minutes till he/she login.
- Try to avoid asking someone out over MSN. It sends the message that you are not confident or not worthy of his time.
Things You'll Need
- A Computer
- Some Form of instant messaging
- A DP that doesn't advertise the fact that you like that person.
- Something to talk about