Have a Good Outlook on Life

Do you find that people criticizing you always gets to you, stopping you from having a great outlook on life? It can be so frustrating not knowing what to do to make you feel better about yourself. Learn not to care what people think of you and just be yourself from this article.


  1. Overcome your social fear. No matter what it is, just get out into the crowd and show them you are not antisocial.
  2. Act like you don't care or better still ignore people who put you down. You can even tell them how you feel. Most people who put people down are insecure about themselves anyway.
  3. Be yourself and have fun in life; stop trying to impress everyone. Your life is yours!
  4. Be comfortable with who you are. No one else is like you! You are unique so make the most of it. Don't let people tell you who you have to be and what you have to look like. Being happy with who you are is one of the most attractive qualities one can have.
  5. Do what makes you happy. If you have a dream, any dream, don't let it only be a dream. You will be happier if you fulfill your dream. Remember, the only way to have a shot at a good life is to try; if you don't try, there's no chance.
  6. Know that people change and you will change. If you don't like yourself now remember that you may not be the same person later. You need time to change to the person you want to be.
  7. Make the most of the rest of your life. Live life the way you want to, not how you're told and you will be happy. Life isn't measured by how long you live but the moments in your life. The more moments, the longer you lived.


  • When people get you down try not to take it to heart. You'll find when you are more confident about who you are people will give up trying to hurt you.
  • If you're afraid at first to take the first step, start small and work your way up. Try smaller groups of people. Say, if you're in the bus, try making conversation with the person next to you. Even saying hello will be enough. Taking baby steps will help you adjust.


  • Don't expect any changes you make to work overnight. Just be patient and congratulate yourself on every small step you make towards feeling better about yourself.
  • Don't be too hard on yourself or you won't be positive at all. You need time to become the new you.

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