Install Minecraft Forge

Minecraft Forge is a tool that allows people to quickly make many powerful mods for Minecraft. In order to install Forge mods into your Minecraft game, you will need to install the Forge API. This will create a Forge profile for your Minecraft game, allowing you to load any mods you feel like installing. Forge and any mods created with it are completely free to download.


Downloading Minecraft Forge

  1. Install Minecraft. In order to install Forge, you will need to have Download-Minecraft and have run it at least once. This will ensure that all of the necessary files are in place.
    • Right now, the newest version of Minecraft Forge is for Minecraft 1.11.2
    • If you are creating a Forge server, you do not need to have Minecraft or the official server software installed. The Forge installer contains all of the server files.
  2. Visit the Forge files site. The Minecraft Forge files are available for free from the developers, and should only be downloaded from the official site. This will help protect you from malicious files pretending to be Forge. Visit the Forge download page at
  3. Download the correct Forge files. If you are using a standard installation of Minecraft, you can download the file labeled simply "Recommended". If you are using a specific version of Minecraft, download the Recommended file for the version.
    • For older versions of Minecraft, click the link for "legacy builds".
    • Download the "Installer" file for use in any operating system, or the "Installer - Win" file if you are using Windows. This will be the easiest file to install.
    • The installer works for both the client and the server programs.[1]

Installing the Client

  1. Double-click the Installer file. You should have either a .jar file or a .exe file that you've downloaded from the Forge website. Double-click it to start it. If you are having difficulty opening the .jar file, right-click it, select Open With, and then select "Java Platform SE binary".
  2. Select "Install client". This will install the files necessary for your to load mods using Forge when playing single player. Click OK.
  3. Wait for Forge to install. Forge will begin the installation. It may download files from the server to complete the installation, depending on what you already have installed. You will receive a message when it is complete.
  4. Start Minecraft. When the Launcher opens, click the Profile menu and select the "Forge" profile. This profile was created during installation.
  5. Click Play. Minecraft will start, and you will be able to choose any Find-Mods-for-Minecraft from the Mods menu. Forge will not work if other mod loaders are installed.

Installing the Server

  1. Double-click the Installer file. You should have either a .jar file or a .exe file that you've downloaded from the Forge website. Double-click it to start it. If you are having difficulty opening the .jar file, right-click it, select Open With, and then select "Java Platform SE binary".
  2. Select "Install server". This will install the files necessary for your to load mods using Forge when hosting a server so that everyone can use them.
  3. Point the installer at a blank folder. Click the "..." button and create an empty folder where you want the server to reside. You must install into an empty folder if you want the server to work.
  4. Run your server. Once your Forge server is installed, you'll run it just like you would a standard Minecraft server. See this guide for details on running a server. You can add mods in the same way you would add mods to the singleplayer Minecraft
  5. Add mods. Once your server is installed, you can add mods to it. The installation instructions will vary from mod to mod, but generally the files will placed in the "mods" or "coremods" folder.[2]
    • Make sure that any mods you install are made for Forge and compatible with the version of Minecraft your server is running.


  • Many mods are unstable, and may lead to instability or crashes. If this occurs, simply remove the mod from your mods folder and start Minecraft again.

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