Join a Muscle Car Club

A muscle car is any of a number of mid-sized, high-performance vehicles that are powered by a V8 engine and are affordably priced. The term originated in the late 1970s, based on the popular "muscle-build" look and brawn of 1960s cars like the Pontiac GTO and the Ford Mustang. When new government regulations in the early 1970s made it harder to produce and own such cars, a legend was born and the term "muscle car" was coined. A muscle car club is a group of people who are proponents of the restoration, preservation and enjoyment of muscle cars. If you are into muscle cars and like the idea of sharing your time and your car with a group of like-minded people, then you can become a car club member by following these tips.


  1. Buy a muscle car. If you want to show your car off at a car club, then you need a car. This is a very personal decision, as many muscle car owners report feeling drawn to 1 specific make, model and year. Besides the make and model of the car, you will need to decide if you want to purchase a car that is already refurbished or if you'd like to put the time and energy into restoring and customizing your car yourself.
  2. Decide what type of muscle car club you want to join. There are clubs centered around celebrating specific makes and models of muscle cars, and clubs that invite all makes and models. Which do you prefer?
  3. Find a car club. There are many muscle car clubs and you can try several avenues to find them:
    • Ask your car dealer. If you bought your muscle car at a specialized dealer, that should be a good source of information about car clubs and how to be a car club member.
    • Scout for muscle car club meetings in your area. Club meetings often take place in large parking lots or vacant commercial lots. The next time you drive by a muscle car club meeting, stop in and talk to some members. A car club member will be able to point you in the right direction.
    • Read muscle car magazines. These magazines carry ad space where local muscle car clubs can promote upcoming events and meetings.
    • Search online for muscle car clubs. There are many groups dedicated to muscle car homage that have websites specifically tailored to those who love muscle cars and everything about them, including clubs. These sites often highlight featured car clubs, have club directories and maintain calendars of muscle car club events.
    • Call on muscle cars for sale in the local classifieds. Chances are the owners belonged to a car club.
  4. Inquire with the muscle car club(s) of your choice about joining. Each club may have a different policy regarding membership but, for many clubs, membership is open to anyone who expresses an interest.
  5. Start your own car club. This is a matter of advertising your interest, recruiting members and registering with muscle car societies as you see fit.Then after that make sure you edit your cars features:
  6. The look (The look is the most important feature of any muscle car and after that its the engine)
  7. The Engine
  8. The Tyres
  9. The Seats
