Knit Ribbons

Ribbon yarn is a luxurious specialty yarn that you can use to create some truly elegant pieces. You can use it almost the same way as normal yarn, but with a few considerations. There are also some important techniques to keep in mind when you are knitting with ribbon yarn to ensure that you get the best result possible. Ribbon yarn is not ideal for all projects, but you can use it to create some beautiful items for yourself or as gifts.


Working with Ribbon Yarn

  1. Check your yarn to see what type it is. There are two basic types of ribbon yarn: the slotted kind and the regular kind. Both types of yarn require some delicate maneuvering and special techniques.[1]
    • The slotted kind of ribbon yarn has edging that is made up of rectangular slots made from string. If you are working with this type of ribbon yarn, then you will be knitting into the slots only and not using the entire ribbon.
    • The regular type of ribbon yarn just looks like a long length of ribbon. To work with this yarn, you can knit it as usual.
  2. Cast on. Casting on with slotted ribbon yarn is much easier than casting on with normal yarn If your ribbon yarn is slotted, then you will cast on by inserting your needle into every other slot. You do not need to do anything else to cast on with slotted ribbon yarn.[1]
    • If your yarn is not slotted, then you will need to cast on in the usual way for knitting.
  3. Use the slots to knit or knit as usual. Use the first slot to knit your first stitch for the row and then skip a slot after every stitch. Knitting into every other slot will help to ensure that your finished project has a ruffled look to it.[1]
    • If your ribbon yarn does not have slots, then just knit with it as usual. However, you may want to double wrap your yarn around the needle for your stitches in every other row. Then, unfurl the yarn in the next row to enhance the ribbon-effect of the yarn.[2]
  4. Bind off as usual. Binding off or casting off with ribbon yarn is about the same as binding off with regular yarn. You start by knitting two stitches, and then pull the first stitch over the second stitch. Then knit another stitch, and pull the first stitch over the second stitch again. Repeat this process until you have cast off all of your stitches.[1]
    • Keep in mind that if your ribbon yarn is slotted, then you will be using the slots. If the ribbon yarn is not slotted, then you will just be casting off with the ribbon.

Ensuring a Successful Project

  1. Go with a larger needle size. Using a larger needle size will help to ensure that your design retains the ribbon look after you have finished knitting it. Small needles will make ribbon yarn seem more like regular yarn.[2]
    • You should always check your yarn’s label to see what needle size is recommended, but if you are not sure, then try a pair of size 11 needles.
    • Opt for plastic or wood needles rather than metal needles when working with ribbon yarn.[3]
  2. Untwist your yarn occasionally. Yarn can get twisted while you work with it. If this happens with ribbon yarn, then it won’t look like ribbon anymore. Check your yarn after each row to make sure it has not gotten twisted. If it has, then stop knitting for a moment and untwist it.[4]
    • Push your stitches back on the needle to ensure that they will not come off the needle while you are untwisting your working yarn.
  3. Transfer your yarn to a yarn cone to help keep it flat. Wrapping your yarn around a yarn cone will help to ensure that the yarn stays flat as you work with it and reduce the need to constantly check it for twisting. Unfurl your yarn, and then begin wrapping it around the cone. Keep the yarn flat as your wrap it around the cone.[5]
    • If you don’t have a yarn cone, then use an empty paper towel roll.
  4. Cut out any knots you encounter. You may come across a knot or two when you are working with slotted ribbon yarn. This is due to the manufacturing process, but you do not want to incorporate these knots in your work because they will stand out. Instead, cut out the knot and then continue knitting. When you near the end of the ribbon, put the slot of the new yarn onto your hook and knit as usual.[5]

Using Ribbon Yarn for Projects

  1. Make a scarf. Scarves are the best way to use slotted ribbon yarn because the ruffles will be on display. Try making a scarf from slotted ribbon yarn to create a luxurious looking scarf for yourself or for a friend.
    • Keep in mind that your scarf will look narrower after it is finished than while you are making it.
  2. Knit a cowl or infinity scarf. If you want a ruffled scarf that you won’t have to wrap up or worry about tying, then an infinity scarf is a great choice. These types of scarves slip right over your head and hang elegantly. Try making an infinity scarf for a different way to use your ribbon yarn.
  3. Create a ribbon beanie. If you want to wear ribbons on your head, then try your hand at making a ribbon beanie. You can follow a normal pattern and either use slotted ribbon yarn or regular ribbon yarn to create a ribbon beanie.
    • Keep in mind that if you use slotted ribbon yarn, then it will look like a ruffled hat. If you use non-slotted ribbon yarn, then it will look more like a normal hat.

Sources and Citations