Picot Cast Off

The picot cast off is a way to add a frilly edging to your knit projects. To do the picot cast off, it helps to have some basic knowledge of knitting, such as how to cast on, bind off, and knit. However, the picot bind off is easy to learn and it is worth knowing for projects that you’d like to give a little extra flair. To enhance your project even further, you can try an embellishment to the picot cast off, such as changing the size of your picots, adding beads, or using a special yarn.


Working the Basic Picot Bind Off

  1. Cast on two stitches. Start by casting on two stitches how you normally would. To cast on, insert the working needle (right hand) in between the first two stitches on the main needle (left hand). Then, yarn over and pull this loop through the two stitches. Then, turn this loop and slide it onto the main needle.[1][2]
    • Repeat one time to cast on your second stitch.
  2. Knit two stitches. Next, knit into the two stitches that you just cast onto the main needle. Knit these stitches as you normally would. To knit, insert the needle through the first loop, yarn over, and pull through the loop. As you do so, allow the old loop to slide off the main needle and the new loop to replace it on your working needle.[2]
  3. Bind off one stitch. Bind off one of the stitches you just knit. To bind off, simply pull the second stitch over the first stitch on the needle. Pull the second stitch over the end of the needle to complete the bind off. [2][3]
  4. Knit one and bind off one. Knit another stitch and then bind off one stitch again. Doing this multiple times will form your picots.[2]
    • Repeat the process of knitting one and binding off one stitch until you have bound off a total of four stitches.
    • This will complete your first picot.
  5. Slip the working stitch back onto the main needle. After your third bind off, transfer the leftover stitch back over to the main needle. This will allow you to repeat the process and keep making picots.[2]
  6. Repeat the process. Continue to repeat the entire process from cast on to slipping the leftover stitch back to the main needle. Keep doing this until you have bound off all of the stitches for your project.[2]

Enhancing the Picot Bind Off

  1. Add beads. If you want to make your finished project even fancier, then try adding beads. You can thread a bead onto one or more of your knit stitches as you bind off. To do this, carefully slide the knit stitch loop off of the needle and then thread a bead over the whole loop. Then, slide the whole loop back onto the needle with the bead below the needle and bind off the stitch.[4]
    • Make sure the bead openings are large enough to easily thread onto the yarn loops.
  2. Change the size of the picots. You can also make your picots smaller or larger if desired. To make picots smaller, knit and bind off fewer stitches per picot. To make picots larger, knit and bind off more stitches per picot.[5]
    • For example, instead of binding off four stitches per picot, you could bind off two stitches per picot for smaller picots, or six stitches per picot for larger picots.
  3. Use a different yarn color or type for the edging. It is perfectly fine to use the same color yarn as you used for your project, but you can also use a different color or texture of yarn to provide some contrast and/or texture to the edging.[6]
    • For example, you could contrast a blue blanket with some white yarn for the edging, or choose a yarn that has a fluffy texture.

Sources and Citations