Knit a Two Color Italian Cast on
The Italian two-color cast on is an essential cast on method to know if you want to attempt any two-color knitting patterns. Using this cast on technique is easier than it might seem. You will just need two different color balls of yarn and a pair of knitting needles to get started.
Casting On With the Italian Two Color Technique
- Connect two strands of yarn with a slipknot. To begin the Italian two color cast on method, you will need to line up the strands. Pull the tails out from your two balls of yarn and then make a slipknot with both strands. Slip the slipknot onto your knitting needle and then tighten it.
- To make a slipknot, line up the strands and then make a loop about 10 to 12 inches from the ends. Then, make another smaller loop next to this one. Insert the smaller loop into the larger loop and then pull on the tail of your yarn to tighten the loop.
- Separate the strands. Grasp the tail of your yarn with the hand that is holding the knitting needle to keep it in place and then use your other hand to separate the strands. Hold the strands so that one is looped around your thumb and the other is looped around your index finger.
- Keep the yarn strands taut as you hold them.
- Move the knitting needle around and under the back strand. To cast on the first stitch, bring your knitting needle around the two strands of yarn and underneath the strands. Then, loop the front piece of yarn around the knitting needle. Next, bring it back around and under the strands so that the loop is behind the back strand.
- Bring the knitting needle over and in front of the back strand. To cast on a stitch with the other strand of yarn, you will do just the opposite motion. Bring your knitting needle up and over the strands and towards the back strand. Then, loop the back strand of yarn onto the needle as well and return the needle back to the center where you started.
- Repeat the sequence and cast on one last stitch. To continue casting on, you will need to alternate between these two motions. Keep alternating until you have the desired number of stitches cast on your needle. Then, complete the row by using the single cast on method to cast on one last stitch instead of using the Italian cast on method.
- To do a Cast-On, make a loop in one of your yarn strands, and then turn the loop so that the bottom forms an X. Then, slip the loop onto your needle and pull the yarn to tighten it.
Working the Italian Two Color Cast On
- Work the row as desired and skip the slipstitch. After you have cast on your stitches, you can begin working the row according to your pattern, or you can just knit all of the stitches. However, you will need to skip the slipknot that you made to start the cast on. Do not knit or purl into this stitch! You will slip it off after the first row.
- Make sure to alternate colors as you work so that your Italian cast on will keep its pattern.
- Slip off your first stitch at the end of the first row. Once you get to the end of your first knit row, you will need to slip off the slipknot that you made at the beginning. Do not knit or purl this stitch. This stitch is the one that has both colors in it because you used both strands to make it.
- Alternate between knit and purl if desired. If you want to intensify the contrast between your two colors, try alternating between knitting and purling. You can knit all of the stitches in one color and purl all of the stitches in the other color. This is optional, but it is a nice way to add some extra interest to your work.
Things You’ll Need
- Two different colors of yarn
- Knitting needles that are appropriate for your yarn type. Check the label for knitting needle size recommendations if you are not sure.