Know You Are Getting Your Period

Having your period is nuisance enough without the added stress of a surprise visit. While there's no scientific method of determining exactly when your period will come, these methods below will help you estimate your menstrual cycle length and help you be prepared for the next one. Carrying pads or tampons around in your purse at all times is a simple but effective strategy to never be caught off-guard.


Keeping Track of Your Period

  1. Know what's normal. The menstrual flow itself can last anywhere from two days to a week, with the average being four days.[1] Spotting that occurs before your period generally does not count as part of the menstrual flow; only actual bleeding counts.
    • It's normal for women in their teens and 20s to have slightly longer cycles, for women in their 30s to have shorter cycles, and for women in their mid-40s to 50s to have shorter cycles still.[2] If yours varies wildly from month to month and you've had your period for longer than two or three years, it would be a good idea to see a doctor to make sure that you're not suffering from hormonal imbalances.
  2. Count the days. Count up the number of days between the first day of your period and the first day of the subsequent period. That number is your cycle length. For most women, it's 28 days, but a normal cycle can range from 25 to 35 days.[1]
  3. Keep a record. Note the first and last days of your period on a calendar. This way, you can estimate when your next period might come.[3] Most women's periods come every 28 days, but if you keep track of your periods, you can determine what length your own cycle is.
  4. Use an app. Consider using an online application like MyMonthlyCycles, MyMenstrualCalendar, or an app on your phone like Period Tracker. This kind of technology is great for helping your keep track of your period from the ease of your mobile phone.
  5. Use an online calendar/planning tool. Set up a Google calendar event and send yourself a reminder around the time your next period is scheduled. That way, you can write it down in the calendar when your period actually comes and compare the two dates. This will help you learn your body's normal cycle variances, as well as reminding you to be on the lookout for your period when it is scheduled to come.

Knowing Your Body

  1. Know the symptoms. Learn what symptoms are normal for women to experience during and just before their periods start. The following symptoms are experienced by many women during their menstrual cycle:[2]
    • Irritability
    • Mood swings
    • Minor headaches
    • Stomach aches
    • Cramping in stomach, legs, or back
    • Changes in appetite
    • Cravings for particular tastes or foods
    • Acne outbreaks
    • Tender breasts
    • Feeling tired or sleepy
    • Back or shoulder pains
  2. Record your own symptoms. Every woman's cycle is unique. Record the symptoms you experience before and during each period to help you predict an upcoming period. Recognize the warning symptoms that frequently precede your period. Write down the symptom(s) you experience and their severity on each day.
  3. Talk to your doctor about any irregularities in your menstrual cycle. Irregular periods can be a symptom of many conditions that need medical attention. Some of the most common medical problems that cause irregular periods include:
    • Pelvic organ problems like imperforate hymen or polycystic ovary syndrome[4]
    • Irritable bowel syndrome
    • Liver disease
    • Diabetes
    • Eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia
    • Obesity
    • Tuberculosis
  4. Take steps to regulate your period. If your period is irregular, you should see your doctor. Make sure you find a doctor you are comfortable talking to, as this can feel like a sensitive subject for some. Sometimes, there may be an underlying health issue causing irregularity; other times, irregular periods can be regulated with lifestyle changes such as weight loss or changing your type of birth control. [5]


  • If your period happens to catch you by surprise, place some folded-up toilet paper in your underwear or ask another person for any extra pads or tampons.
  • Keep a few pads/tampons/other chosen supplies in your room, purse, or backpack—any place you can easily get to—in case of a surprise.
  • Once you get your first period, ask your mother, older sister, or grandmother, or any other woman in your life for advice. Don't feel ashamed!
  • Don't freak out. Know it is just a fact of life and don't act any different. However, if you have mood swings, try to stay positive and laugh.
  • It's also perfectly fine to ask any trusted adult that you know man or woman. You can tell your mom, dad, uncle, aunt, grandparent, nanny, etc. What matters is that you let your family members know you're starting.


  • If you have a severe stomach ache that spreads from your belly-button to your left side, contact a doctor right away. This is not regular period cramps, and is a sign of appendicitis.
  • If you don't notice a consistent pattern in your menstrual cycle after recording it for several months, consider seeing a doctor to make sure you don't have any hormonal imbalances.

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