Have a Perfect First Period
Every girl gets her period, before you get it you may think that everything is gross but it only means that you're becoming a woman. With these steps, you will be a professional at everything. If it's knowing what your period is or how to insert a tampon or a pad, easing cramps and everything else. This article is for any girl who would like to know more about their period.
- Make sure you know as much as possible about menstruation. Go to your local library or search on your computer about "puberty", "period", "menstruation", "puberty in girls" or "first period." Take out your book or computer and read 2-3 times a week, and take notes on things you find important. Make sure that you are able to recognize the signs when you get your first period.
- Buy supplies. Buy light and regular or slender regular absorbency tampons, such as, Tampax Lites, Tampax regular slender, Tampax Pearl, Tampax Compak, or Tampax Radiant. If you want you may even buy light and regular pads (Always thin, Always slender, Always clean), overnight pads (Stayfree overnight), pantyliners (Always pantyliner, Always wrapped pantyliners), and if you feel that it is necessary, get some feminine wipes (Playtex petals). Keep two pantyliners, 3 light pads, 1 light tampon, and 3 feminine wipes in your locker or backpack, gym bag, or anywhere else where you are frequently such as a locker at the pool, and bring a candy bar as well.
- When you do get it, do not panic. Just take a deep breath, smile (you are becoming a mature woman), and say "it's okay". Do you have supplies with you? If so, go get them, and bring a pad and a wipe to the bathroom. No supplies? If your school has pad or tampon machines, you could use those, but those pads might not fit you well, and those tampons just may not fit. So, grab a fair amount of toilet paper, about 16-32 squares, depending on how much blood you see. Your flow will most likely be light, but if it is heavier, you may need up to 32 squares. Fold it up into a rectangle and fit it into the crotch and some of the bottom of your underwear. Then get another square wet and wipe yourself.
- Seek help from an adult. If your period starts at school and you have nothing with you, go to the nurse and sometimes in the bathroom there are pads and tampons in there. You don't even need to ask. Talking to your teacher and nurse about it is fine. They've been through it too. So there is nothing to be embarrassed about.
- If you do have supplies, put on a pad. To do this, pull your underwear to your knees, remove the sticky backing from the pad, and fit it into the crotch of your underwear (some may have wings, you just have to fold them to the outer side of your underwear and stick them down). Pull it up, and adjust as needed. Wipe yourself. Do not use tampons unless you find your flow really, really thick or heavy.
- If you feel it is necessary, or just want to get it off your chest, tell a very close friend, teacher, or counselor. Otherwise, celebrate inside. Mental happy dance!
- When you get home, tell your parents. Your mom will talk to you, and teach you about protection, preparation, and etc. If you want, ask about possibly celebrating. It is something to celebrate, even if it is unpleasant, you can now give life (just don't try it yet, please).
- Keep track. Find a calendar that is private. To find one specifically for periods, go to www.kotex.com. Mark which days you have your period, the flow, and any symptoms like cramps or headaches you may have.
- Evaluate your supplies. Just can't stand pads? Stock up on tampons. Not a tampon girl? More pads. Try on all of the supplies you have bought, to ensure you are not allergic to them. Do you find that you have cramps? Buy some Midol or Pamprin.
- Dispose of pads and tampons properly. Under no circumstances should you flush supplies down the toilet, even if it says it's flushable, it may still flood. Throw wrappers and used pads into the trash or designated receptacle, wrapped thickly in paper towel or toilet paper.
- Signs of getting your period are bloating, stomach pains, mood swings, cramps and cravings (especially chocolate).
- It's also good to have a "pad buddy" in case you aren't prepared and need some. They can slip a pad or tampon to you to take to the bathroom.
- Don't tell people at school. It will spread, your best bet is one close friend, and/or one teacher or counselor.
- If it is your first time using a tampon, and you can't get it out, don't panic. It's okay. You're just nervous and it might feel weird. Simply relax, and pull it out slowly. If you're tense you're never going to get it out. If you absolutely can't get it out, ask your mom or aunt or someone you trust a lot to help pull it out for you. Don't tug! That's just going to hurt you.
- When it's your first time, take a deep breath and say "I think I just got my period." Regardless of who you are talking to, they will understand. But no one but you has to know. If you have everything you need, then you actually don't need to tell anyone. Though it's very helpful to have to someone to talk to that has a lot of experience.
- Don't panic, don't worry, don't cry, and don't forget to smile.
- Make sure that getting your period can be very stressful to some people. But it's womanhood, when you pamper and take care of yourself you will feel a whole lot better.
- If your period smells then look for scented pads and tampons which keep you smelling nice and fresh. And it wouldn't hurt to use a little perfume and deodorant (but do not put it directly in your area as this can irritate your skin).
- When you see dark hard stains in your underpants you may have started, if you have older woman or someone you trust ( female) then ask if you can borrow a pad or tampon.
- Although many periods start with what looks like blood in your underpants, others start with something that may look like solid waste or diarrhea. How do you know the difference? Take a piece of toilet paper and gently wipe your area. If a substance that resembles what is on your underwear, this is your period. If you are still unsure, and are comfortable with it, insert a thoroughly washed finger into your vagina, then you will know.
- Sometimes, six months before your period first begins, you get a thick, sticky discharge in your pants.
- Remember to change your pad/tampon/liner often to prevent leaking and odor.
- Avoid salty foods on your period. It can worsen cramps and cause bloating (swelling of the abdomen).
- Avoid drinking cold drinks, as it would also worsen cramps.
Things You'll Need
- Day pads
- Overnight pads
- Tampons
- one package of wipes
- a cosmetic bag to keep any pads or tampons in
- medicine for cramps
- extra underwear (cotton is good because it breathes which keeps you staying fresh)
- hamper and mini trash can
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- Deal With Getting a Period at a Very Early Age
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- Know What to Do About Your Period