Know if You Are Irritating

Do you ever wonder if you are well liked by others? Do you ever wonder if the people you speak to are walking away rolling their eyes and thanking God that their time with you is over? If you don't ever wonder this, chances are, you need to consider that it is a possibility. Please consider these few easy steps to becoming a less obnoxious YOU.


  1. When conversing, pay attention to how often the conversational ball is passed. Has the other person said anything in the last 2 minutes? Have they responded to anything you said either verbally or physically?
  2. Pay attention to their body language. Are their arms crossed? Do they appear stiff? Are their eyes drifting away while you speak? Are their feet moving slowly, but steadily in the opposite direction of you?
  3. Do their replies seem short? Have they used more than a 1-3 word sentence while speaking with you?
  4. Listen to notice whether they have cursed at you or mumbled under their breath phrases like, "Whatever", "Oh Please", and the most obvious, "Why won't he/she just shut up?" while you were speaking.
  5. If they occasionally seem to huff or breathe heavily, unless it is appropriate to the conversation, this would be another good indication.
  6. If they print this out and leave it somewhere that they want you to find it.
  7. If someone says "You're irritating" or something equivalent, that should be indicative of your character.
  8. Last, but not least, if they walk away from you while you are talking to them, it is a good sign that they find you irritating.
  9. Consider the other person's nature. Some people will feel more able to show their irritation than others. While some find it quite easy, others try so hard to be polite and those people may worry that they will seem rude or that they will hurt your feelings. These individuals may have been irritated for some time by you but you never suspected. They also are the people you mostly want to keep by your side, so change and repay their patience!
  10. Do they ignore you? Pretend not to hear anything that you say? Do they suddenly walk away while you are in the middle of a sentence and go off to talk to someone that isn't appearing irritating?
  11. If they keep cutting short your jokes, or news or topic on current events, saying they've heard it before. It means they don't want to hear you out anymore and that you're irritating them.


  • Do not be fake. Pretending to be something you are not, or to be somebody's friend for your own personal gain is irritating.
  • Another thing to do if you want to know if you are irritating someone or not is to ask them for their Facebook and/or phone number. If they make up an excuse/give you an answer that is fake, then there is a good chance that they may think you are irritating. What I mean is if they give you a number, you try to call it, and it gets you to nowhere, not even their voicemail, or if they say that they don't have a Facebook account, but then you see them one day, and they obviously aren't new to Facebook.
  • Don't hog the conversation with your friends, as it will only show how self-centered you are.
  • Be polite. Hurling insults at others when they just know you may drive them away, or worse, incense them.
  • Have good manners (eating with your mouth closed,not interrupting conversations) so that you will not annoy others.
  • Show interest in what your friends are saying, and even if you disagree with their views show them their due respect. Impose your views gently if you must.
  • A good trick to keeping yourself from being too obnoxious to others is to listen to them when they are speaking and make certain that your responses to their words reflect the fact that you were paying attention to them. This will lead to a mutual respect where they are more likely to be interested in what you have to say as they are aware that what you have to say may very likely be directly connected to what they are already thinking about.
  • If a person doesn't respond to what you just said, and starts talking about something else, it's a pretty clear sign, that they find you somewhat irritating.
  • Don't talk about the same thing all the time. The person may not be interested and you might end up with no friends.


  • Be sure to avoid overly watching their body language so as to find yourself questioning their every move in open acknowledgment of the fact that you are concerned with irritating them. Too much awareness can lead to a great deal of irritation from your acquaintance as quickly as too little.

Things You'll Need

  • The ability to think based on what you hear and some form of true concern about others.

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