Make Goo
Kids love to play with goo. Goo is yucky, messy, sticky, gummy, runny, smelly concoction that adults call "disgusting" when they try to clean it up. Children have always enjoyed playing with goo! Making goo is great for a rainy day when kids are bored and for the little ones to play with. Read on for instructions on how to make rubbery cornstarch goo or slimy borax goo.
Cornstarch Goo
- Gather your ingredients. The great thing about goo is that it's simple to make. The only two ingredients you need are a 16 ounce box of cornstarch and a pitcher of water. To make this experiment even more fun, you can add some food coloring, too.
- Pour the cornstarch into a bowl. Choose a big mixing bowl, so that the goo doesn't overflow the sides when you add water. Go ahead and pour the entire box of cornstarch into the bowl.
- Start adding water. Pour some water slowly into the bowl of cornstarch and mix it with a spoon or your hands until it is thick, with no clumps. Try forming it into a ball with your hand. If it still feels stiff, add more water. The goo is gooey enough when it starts to drip through your fingers after you form it into a ball.
- If you add so much water that the goo is too drippy, open another box of cornstarch and add some more to thicken it back up.
- Experiment with different levels of gooeyness. If you like being able to form the goo into shapes, don't add a lot of water. If you want it drippy, add as much as you want.
- Add some color. Pour in some food coloring and start mixing it in. Remember, a little food coloring goes a long way. Stir it with your hands or with a spoon.
- Store the goo. After you've finished making your goo, you can store it in a sealable Ziploc bag so that the goo doesn't dry out.
Borax Goo
- Gather supplies. For the slimy borax method, you'll need a few supplies you may not have on hand. Pick up a small box of borax from the laundry section of your grocery store. You'll also need a bottle of standard-sized white school glue and some warm water. You can add food coloring to this recipe, too.
- Pour the glue into a bowl. Go ahead and squeeze out the entire thing. Use a spoon or a knife to help you get every last drop into the bowl.
- Fill the glue bottle with warm water. Put your finger over the opening of the bottle and shake the bottle to loosen the remaining glue. Pour the gluey water into the bowl. Mix it with the glue to form a loose, gluey substance.
- Add the borax. Mix 1 teaspoon of borax with 1/2 cup of warm water. Stir it until the borax has dissolved. Add the mixture to the bowl with the glue, and stir well. The instant you add the borax, the mixture will start to form into goo.
- Add food coloring. Use a spoon to stir in some food coloring. The mixture will have a white base, so a few drops of food coloring will give it a pastel hue.
- Be safe with borax. Borax is considered safe for kids to play with, but it should never be ingested. Make sure everyone who touches the borax goo knows not to eat it.
Glue and Detergent Goo
- Empty the whole bottle of glue it into the bowl.
- Pour in some detergent. Mix slowly to combine.
- A little food coloring can be added if wished.
- Pour the goo/slime into a resealable bag.
- Use as goo whenever you'd like.
- Purchase a few different food colors and have the child pick the color she/he wants to add to the goo.
- Create different figures from the goo and have fun with it.
- Custard powder can be used in place of cornstarch. Custard powder contains cornstarch and you don't need to add food coloring, as it'll turn yellow.
- When playing with the goo make sure you place down some newspapers or anything to catch the mess, on the flat surface you are using.
- Wear gloves while dealing with these types of activities.
- Put food coloring in your mixture first.
- If it doesn't have the slimy texture you want, add more borax, cornstarch, or detergent.
- If you want some other way to dye your goo/slime, you can use a marker. Poke the marker into the slime and mix it with your fingers.
- You can even put borax on the surface you are playing on so that the goo does not stick to it.
- If you don't have borax you can use any item that has borate.
- Do not eat the borax or glue goo's, and be extremely careful handling.
- Do not pour all the borax powder straight into the slime, as it will clump the mixture together.
Things You'll Need
Cornstarch goo:
- Cornstarch
- Water
- Food coloring
- Ziploc/resealable bags (for storage)
Borax goo:
- Borax
- Standard white school glue
- Food coloring (optional)
- Ziploc/resealable bags (optional)
Glue and detergent goo:
- A bowl
- Standard bottle of glue (Elmer's glue/white craft glue preferred)
- Liquid detergent
- Resealable bag
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