Make Lemonade from Lemon Juice Concentrate

Who doesn't like a glass of lemonade when it's hot outside? If you don't have lemons on hand, you can make lemonade from concentrate. It's pretty straightforward, but here are some tips to make it interesting.


  1. Mix a little water into the concentrate to make a thick mixture.
  2. Add maple syrup with a little cayenne. This will make your lemonade unique.
  3. Add sugar to taste. With the maple syrup, it might not be necessary.
  4. Add a little salt (1/4 spoon) in the mixture. If you have black salt, try that.
  5. Fill the glass with cold water and mix. Ice is optional; if the concentrate is still slushy and cold, ice might not be necessary.
  6. Add mint leaves for garnish. For extra mint flavor, bruise the leaves first.
  7. Decorate the glass with cute little umbrellas, and put a straw.
  8. Dice a thin little piece of lemon and put it on the edge of glass.


  • If you're making lemonade to sell it, keep thin lemon slices and mint leaves in jars so that they stay fresh.


  • Keep in mind that some people are diabetic so don't put sugar in all of the lemonade. Rather, have two pitchers of lemonade; keep sugar in one, and sugar free in the other. This way, people can add the sugar themselves according to their taste.

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