Make a Cardboard Phone Case
Template:IllustrationsIf due to some reason you can't buy a new phone case and your old phone case is broken here is the solution.
- Trace your phone on three pieces of cardboard and cut it out a bit further from the line half a centimetre or 1 cm should be enough.Cut out a space for the camera on one of the pieces and a slot where your phone can fit in another make sure one has no holes and they all are the same sizes
- Colour the pieces using your favorite colour and let dry
- Put a piece on top of the one with the hole for the camera and put tape around the structure. Cut along the traced line on the top piece of the structure. This will be part-a the other cardboard piece will be part-b
- Put part-b on part-a and tape it together but one side only.
- And it is ready, enjoy!
Things You'll Need
- Cardboard
- Poster colours
- Tape
- Using markers for tracing is ideal as pencils/pens can pierce the cardboard.