Make a Dress Phone Case

Want to make an eye-catching "dress" for your cell phone? This project is a fun one to get your teeth into and make your cell phone look great!


Sewing the Upper Part of the Dress

  1. Draw a dress pattern on the paper. Cut off the upper part felt shape using the paper pattern as a guide (this should be cut a little bigger than the paper size, though). Cut the other pieces of felt in the same size and way.
  2. Use ribbons to make three crosses and sew them on the felt.
  3. Cut two pieces of ribbon and cover them at each side of the crossed ribbon, leaving the middle crossed places out.
  4. Fix the ribbon with pins; seam along the inner edges.
  5. Cut the redundant ribbons; do the same to make the other side ribbon.
  6. Place the two pieces of felt together faced with the front size; insert a half-folded ribbon upside; seam the two pieces of felt; leave the lower part open.

Finishing Work

  1. Stuff the quilting into the upper body and suture the whole opening.
  2. Take out a piece of organza ribbon; sew upper side of the organza ribbon; tie off the thread slightly to make it curly.
  3. Secure the upper part with the organza ribbon.
  4. Sew one end of three ribbons to the junctions of the two parts in a row.
  5. Make three bows with a bead in the center; sew a bow to each hanging ribbon.
  6. Prepare three flowers; cut organza ribbon to a heart shape; arrange flowers on the organza ribbon. Add some beads or other decoration around the flowers. Sew the heart shaped ribbon at the right shoulder of the dress.

Things You'll Need

  • Felt
  • Satin ribbons
  • Organza ribbons
  • Sewing threads
  • Needle
  • Scissors
  • Quilting
  • Flowers
  • Beads
  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Pin