Make a Glitter Phone Case

Decorate your phone case with glitter for a great pop of color. It'll give it just the lift it needs and makes for a fabulous quick and easy gift too.


Glitter nail polish phone cover

  1. Set down newspaper or any other cover on the work surface. Place the nail polishes down and the phone case, in readiness for painting.
  2. Paint the single color polish over the entire back of the phone case. Do not paint it on the sides though.
  3. Paint the sides (including top and bottom) of the phone case with clear nail polish. Sprinkle glitter on while the clear polish is still wet, so that it adheres permanently.
    • Do each side separately, applying a coat of clear polish, then sprinkling on the glitter. Let that dry before moving onto the next side.
  4. Allow to fully dry.
  5. Apply clear nail polish generously over the top of the glitter. This will provide a sealant that holds the glitter in place.
  6. Done. The phone case is now personalized to your colors and style.


  • Add more nail polish and glitter as the old layers wear off.

Things You'll Need

  • Method 1:
    • Newspaper or other item to cover work surface
    • Phone case in a single color
    • Nail polish, plain, glitter or glow-in-the dark polish
    • Glitter
    • Clear nail polish