Make a Coin Disappear and Reappear Behind Someone's Ear

This is a really fun trick you can pull on your friends and family. You just need a quarter, a victim, and quick hands.


  1. Put the coin on your elbow with your arm pushed back to where your hand is touching your shoulder.
  2. Bring your arm down letting the coin fall into your hand. Loosely hold it in the palm of your hand using your lower thumb to hold it hidden in place with your hand open.
  3. Reach out behind their ear and flip your hand and pull it back and say something like "Here's my paycheck!" and pocket the coin.


  • Practice it at home before in public.
  • Also wear a long sleeved t-shirt or jumper so that you can't see the coin.
  • Practice on a friend before you actually perform it on someone that has no clue what you are doing.


  • Don't get angry because you can't catch the coin in your hand, just keep on trying.

Things You'll Need

  • A coin
  • A volunteer

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