Make a Guy That Hates You Turn from a Friend to Boyfriend

If there is a guy at school that hates you, but you like him, here are the steps to turn him into your boyfriend or friend.


  1. Show him there are friends that trust you and are by your side when you approach him. He may already know this, but you should do it because the longer he sees this, the more he'll wonder why those people get along with you and why he doesn't get along with you. It will cause him to think more about you.
  2. Get a new hairstyle or some new clothes to get him to notice your "inner beauty". Changing your personality, changing too many looks, like all of a sudden wearing big dresses to school, and putting on make-up will not do it. He isn't gonna see the real you if you do that.
  3. Be nice, friendly, and sweet to him, but most importantly, smile. If you see him giving you the evil eye the entire time you're at your locker getting your supplies for class, just smile at him as you're leaving your locker to go to class.
  4. If he talks about you in a bad way, tell those people "I don't know why he hates me, but I would love to be his friend. Although he is kinda cute.". You don't need to say the "cute" part but it would be pretty funny if you said that.
  5. Approach him and talk to him, just do it, one day. Talk everything out, so he will be more cool with you instead of being more angry and upset with you.
  6. Talk to him for several days, until he finally agrees to become your friend (or, if he still doesn't want you, tell him this in person: " I'm sorry if I did anything to hurt you because I didn't mean to do whatever it was that made you mad at me". Then just look down then walk away.)
  7. Show him signs that you like him. Such as staring at him, flirting with him, blushing around him, and wanting to be with him a lot. But do not stalk or something because it will scare them off.
  8. If he doesn't like you back, flirt for at least 3-4 days, then all of a sudden stop and do it to another guy. He'll be jealous.


  • Don't pile on the makeup to get him to notice you. Guys don't like a tons of makeup.
  • Take it slowly, and give him time.
  • Try making friends with his friends.
  • If the boy you like has a girlfriend don't make it obvious.
  • Sometimes it just isn't meant to be and you should leave it at that.
  • Get to know each other for a start.


  • Steps may not work. Ask yourself, have you ever changed how you feel about someone because they tried to make you like them? Didn't you make your own mind up?

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