Make a Popup Reminder in Windows XP
Take advantage of all that computing power. Teach your computer how to pop up a message for you at a given time. We'll use a pair of simple batch files to knock some of the stupid out of XP.
- Copy the code in setalarm.bat (listed below) and paste it into Notepad.
- Save this file as setalarm.bat in your Windows folder.
- Do the same for showalarm.bat
- Right-click on the desktop and choose New... Shortcut
- Type in C:\Windows\setalarm.bat
- Click Next. Click Finish.
- Double-click the new shortcut. A good old-fashioned command prompt appears.
- ]Type in the time you want the reminder to pop up. (You have to use 24 hr time) Then type a description for your reminder.
- At the appointed time, you'll get a message.
@ECHO OFF SETLOCAL SET _t=%1 SET _d=%2 %3 %4 %5 SET _x=%_d: =% IF NOT DEFINED _t (SET /P _t=Enter the time: ) IF NOT DEFINED _x (SET /p _d=Enter the description: ) IF NOT DEFINED _d (SET /p _d=Enter the description: ) ECHO. reminder at %_t% to %_d% at \\%COMPUTERNAME% %_t% /interactive cmd /c showalarm "%_d%"
@echo off cls echo. echo. echo %1 echo. echo. pause
- 24 hr time means add 12 hours after 12:00 noon. Example: 6:00 PM is 18:00.
- When you save a new file, be sure to set the file type to all files, or Notepad may add a .txt extension to the name you type in.