Make a Redstone Lamp in Minecraft

A redstone lamp is used for better looking lighting inside your structures; this lamp looks more modern than the primitive torches. However, to turn it on after crafting it, you'll need to use a redstone current, as it won't glow by itself.



Finding the materials

  1. Mine for the redstone underground. You'll need this to make redstone dust for the lamp.
  2. Find glowstone in the Nether.
  3. Make a glowstone block using glowstone dust. (Place the glowstone dust 2 x 2 in the crafting table.)

Making the redstone lamp

  1. Place the glowstone block and 4 redstone dust into the crafting table. Arrange as follows:
    • Place the glowstone block in the center of the crafting table.
    • Place one redstone dust above and one below the glowstone block and one to each side. (This leaves the four outer corners of the crafting table empty.)
  2. Shift click or drag the redstone lamp to your inventory.

Placing the redstone lamp

  1. With the lamp in your hand, right click where you want to place it. It will attach to that spot.
    • You can create various impressive arrangements with redstone lamps, such as glowing ceilings, rows along a wall and lit-up floors.

Turning on the lamp

As long as the redstone lamp is powered, it will give off light.

  1. Send a redstone pulse to the lamp. To do this, you have various choices, such as:
    • A lever (ongoing) - can be placed on top
    • A redstone torch (ongoing) - placed anywhere adjacent to the lamp will power the lamp (don't place on the lamp)
    • Button (short-lived) - can be placed on top
    • Tripwire (short-lived - as soon as you move off, it turns off)
    • Pressure plate (short-lived, as soon as you move off, it turns off) - can be placed on top
    • Detector rails (this can be useful for lighthouses and roller coasters).


  • The redstone circuitry takes up a lot of space. If you have a very simple redstone lamp attached to a lever or redstone torch, you can hide the torch or lever and you'll still have good light (you can put it behind a wall, put it on top of your ceiling, underneath your floor, etc, wherever you have room). However, some people prefer to hook the lamp up to a lever, so that when you pull the lever it can be turned on and off, meaning that you leave the lever obviously exposed.
  • Redstone lamps will melt snow and ice.
  • Red stone lamps are nice looking in your home.
  • A broken redstone lamp will produce another redstone lamp rather than breaking back down into its elements.

Things You'll Need

  • Minecraft installed
  • Materials

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