Make a Snow Cone Syrup

Making snow cones is a fun and delicious way to treat the summer blues. You might have an ice crusher, but what if you can't find any syrup flavoring? This is a stupid easy way to do it with household products.


  • 1 cup of light corn syrup.
  • 2-3 packets of Kool Aid powder.
  • Water
  • Sugar (optional)


  1. Pour the corn syrup in a canister.
  2. Add about a half packet of your favorite kool-aid.
  3. Stir in a lot of water until its thick. (2-4oz.)
  4. Add more kool-aid or sugar according to taste.
  5. Boil and set in fridge to cool.
  6. Pour into snow and enjoy!


  • The syrup mixture may taste bad before it's in the snow cone. This is normal.
  • Stir with an unused Popsicle stick or coffee stirrer so you don't have to wash a goopy sticky spoon, and so you don't waste the mixture on the spoon.
  • If you don't have light corn syrup, you can use 1 1/4 cups of granulated sugar dissolved in 1/4 cup of water.


  • This can get pretty messy, so clean any spills quickly and with a dry towel.

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