Make a Valentine's Day Goodie Bag for a Friend

Your friends are special parts of your life, so why let them know you appreciate their friendship this February the 14th?


  1. Pick out a container. It can be a simple gift bag in a colour like pink or red. You could also do your friend's favourite
  2. Decorate the bag. Glitter glue, rhinestones, and foamy stick-on letters are some examples. You can also try animal stickers or natural stickers with plants and flowers on them.
  3. Fill in the bottom of the bag. You can put in various candy and sweets, like a Hershey's Kiss, or their favourite chocolate or sweets. There might also be some exclusive Valentine's Day candy or chocolate in the shops.
  4. Fill with your goodies. Mini-lotion, a card,a small box of chocolate, lip balm, A bath bomb or a heart shaped present, most likely makeup are great ideas, but they are your friend and only you know what they like!
  5. Wait for the right moment to give them the bag, for example: If you are going for a meal or outing, give it to them then.
  6. Let them know you appreciate their friendship and that you are glad they could spend their day with you. Happy Valentine's Day!


  • If you have the budget and the time, you could make one for all of your friends, and one for your spouse/date

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