Manual on a Scooter

How to do a 1-footer manual. This is a right foot manual, so for a left foot manual, just reverse the left/right directions.


  1. Gain a fast walking speed.
  2. Hang your right foot over the side.
  3. Pull the scooter up by the handle bars and balance with your right foot.
  4. If you start to feel the front drop, pull up on the handle bars, but not so much that you make the back drop.
  5. When you want to stop the manual, put your foot on the scooter quickly and force the front to drop to the ground. Or, you can tap the back brakes.


  • You can add other tricks into the manual such as an x-up or a 1 hander.
  • This takes a lot of practice.
  • Don't give up.
  • Always wear safety gear to prevent injury.


  • Try not to go for a long manual when you first try because you might fall backwards and smack your head.

Things You'll Need

  • Helmet
  • Pads
  • Scooter

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