Optimize Your Car's Gas Efficiency

"Time for another refill again?" Sick of having to constantly have to refill gas? There is no better way to solve this problem than to optimize your current car's gas efficiency!


  1. Take off excess weight - Keeping something heavy in your car all the time will slow it down. The heavier the car, the more gas is going to be needed to keep it moving. By cutting down on excess weight in your car, your car will be able to travel much farther on less gas. Things you should consider taking out include bike/boat racks, unneeded seats, or any other unneeded things left around the car. The bike/boat racks are especially important to take out, as they reduce drag in the car as they catch wind while you drive, reducing speed.
  2. Keep tires inflated - By inflating your tires, more miles can be traveled on less gas. Inflated tires cover a lot more ground than uninflated tires, making it advantageous to keep them inflated.
  3. Purchase new tires - If your tires are beginning to get old, you may want to consider purchasing new tires. New tires have more rubber. Also, consider "low rolling resistance tires". Tires like these make it easier for the vehicle to move from a stand still.
  4. Drive with the windows up.......sometimes. - When lower than highway speed, 60-75 mph, drive with the windows down and the A/C off. This will help save some fuel. While at highway speeds. Roll you windows up. Not only is it dangerous to travel 75 mph with your windows down but, driving at that speed with your windows rolled down will increase drag. More drag, less fuel economy.
  5. Get more for your money - Although this idea may seem a bit silly, it will add more gas to your tank. When done refilling at the gas station, be sure to lift up the tube that connects the machine to your tank. There is a lot of leftover gasoline in the tube, and you can get this gas to enter your tank but simply lifting the tube.
  6. 60 is key - When driving on the highway, drive the speed limit. Your car will save more fuel this way. Also, try to keep your speed steady. If you let your speed go up and down, you will use more fuel.
  7. Minimize use of brakes - When coming to a stop, let the car's weight slow it down for part of the braking distance. Not only does this save fuel, it also saves your brakes.
  8. Do not perform any hard accelerations - By suddenly accelerating your car, it will burn more gas than is needed. In order to conserve gas and to maximize the amount of movement the gas can provide, be sure to accelerate gradually, not suddenly.
  9. Purchase a more fuel efficient car - A stick shift can be an option, as it is much easier to control gears in a stick shift, which can really save gas. If your car's maximum mpg is already pretty low, you may want to purchase a car with a higher mpg. Another option is to purchase hybrid, solar powered, or electric powered cars. Although a recharge may be a little bit more of a pain, it will really save on the amount of gas you use up.
  10. Carpool - Although this does not have to do with optimizing your car's gas efficiency, it is a very effective way to save gas in general. By commuting with others, you can greatly reduce the amount of driving you do, reducing the amount of gas you use.


  • Be sure not to over inflate your tires, as this can cause the car to handle badly, leading to higher tire wear, which leads to money spent on new tires.
  • Be sure to drive the posted speed limit. It is there for a reason. Driving below the speed limit can cause wrecks, leading to you or your passengers being injured. Always obey the posted speed limit

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