Remove Bumper Stickers

So you're trying to sell your car and suddenly having that bumper sticker that says "Lost your cat? Look under my wheels" doesn't seem like such a good selling point. It's easy to remove bumper stickers without damaging the painted bumper underneath; all you need is a hairdryer or some spray lubricant.


Hair Dryer Method

  1. Find a powerful hair dryer or rent a heat gun.
  2. Hold the hair dryer about 6" from the sticker and blow heat directly on the sticker for a minute or two. Don't hold it in one place — keep it moving back and forth, up and down, to evenly heat up the sticker. Holding a heat gun or hair dryer in one place can cause damage by bubbling the paint.
    • If the corner of the sticker does not start to lift, continue to heat the sticker.
    • Hold heat gun 8" – 12" from sticker. They get much hotter and work much faster than a hair dryer.
  3. Peel back a corner using your fingernail (or razor blade to grab the edge only). Do not pull directly up. Pull back, folding the corner over against the face of sticker.
  4. Pull slowly by the corner of the sticker in the opposite direction and continue to apply heat as needed.
  5. Let the area cool once the sticker is off. Then clean off the remaining adhesive with an automotive adhesive cleaner such as PPG Ditzo DX 440. You may need to re-apply wax to the area.
    • WD-40 also works, spray it on and let it sit a few minutes then wipe and rub.
    • Removing glue takes patience, and may require multiple applications of cleaner.

Lubricant Method

  1. Peel back an edge of the bumper sticker using your fingers or a razor.
  2. Spray lubricant such as WD-40 or Triflow into the now exposed part of the bumper sticker. This should release the seal of the bumper sticker and allow you to continue peeling.
  3. Continue spraying and peeling till the bumper sticker is completely removed.
  4. Wipe down the now clean bumper to remove excess lubricant.


  • Remember, to fold the edge of the sticker all the way over and pull slowly in the opposite direction by the corner, not up.
  • The hair dryer/heat gun is only used to make the adhesive pliable after being hardened on your bumper for so long.


  • Do not apply continuous heat with a heat gun to the sticker or you may melt both the sticker and the bumper skin (if not a metal or steel bumper).
  • If the hair dryer is not working, you can rent a heat gun from a rent-all. Be very careful not to put your hand or fingers in the path of the heat gun as it can burn you. Also, do not touch the barrel of the heat gun as these are not protected.
  • You don't need a lot of Ditzo, just a small amount on a rag. Too much will begin to remove the paint.
  • Be very careful using razor blades on the paint. Only use a blade to grab the corner.

Things You'll Need

  • Powerful Hair dryer or rented professional heat gun
  • PPG Ditzo DX 440 or automotive tar remover
  • Rag(s)
  • A razor blade (optional)

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