Send a Letter to Emma Watson

Do you like Emma Watson, the actress that plays Hermione Granger in Harry Potter? If you have something you really want her to know, you can send her a letter. Getting her to open it is another matter entirely. If you want Emma Watson to notice your letter, you'll need to make it one of a kind.


  1. Tell how much you like her work and tell what you think about her, and a little about yourself, too!
  2. Make the letter super colorful! Draw cartoons and colorful things on that and on the envelope, it would be easier to make Emma notice. Try to make the most original letter and envelope ever!
  3. Paint the envelope of your letter all colorful. Bright colors like hot pink and sky blue together are great! Or maybe do a rainbow envelope!
  4. Finished.


  • P. O. Box 3000
  • Leavesden, Herts WD25 7LT
  • Letters sent to this address will arrive at the letterbox of the Leavesden Studios which appear to have the best contact to Emma:
  • United Kingdom
  • Harry Potter Production Office
  • She may not write back, so don't be offended, she is very busy.
  • Other magazines or studios may provide an alternate address.
  • Emma Watson
  • Try really being unique by adding a poem or a story to really make your letter eye-catching.


  • If you'd like to send a letter to Emma Watson, don't try to find out her private address. Seriously, it would be difficult and inappropriate.
  • Sending a picture of yourself to someone who you don't know personally is dangerous for obvious reasons.

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