Shoot a Three Pointer

Playing time instead of sitting on the bench the entire game. Even though you may think it takes too much work to make a 3 pointer, do not give up hope. Anyone can do it. It will take some practice to improve your technique and build up your skills for perfect three point shots, but you'll get there in no time. And you need to believe in yourself that you can do this.


  1. Step in with your stronger foot first. If right handed, when you are about to shoot make sure your right big-toe is aligned with your right elbow.
    • As you step out slightly with your stronger foot, remember to bend your knees. Bent knees will help you explode upward, getting more height and a better angle on the basket.
  2. Keep your weaker hand on the side of the ball, just enough to keep the ball balanced on your hand.
  3. Hold the ball with the tips of your fingers, as though you are holding a waiter's tray. You are holding the ball incorrectly, if you check after the game and your palm is dirty.
  4. Extend your shooting hand fully when you are letting go of the ball (this is part of follow through). Your weaker hand should stay where it is, floppy and relaxed. You also want to flick your wrist as you release, for backspin, for a nice soft touch (for your shooting hand).
    • Backspin will create more rotation on the ball. If the ball doesn't go in the basket at first, the additional rotation will make it go in.
  5. Use your legs when you shoot, bending the knees (not a full squat), then to elevate quickly, rising: that is, straighten your legs as you shoot. A good way to build up muscle in your legs is doing squats and wall sits. If you strengthen your triceps, you don't need to use your legs as much. You should also try doing calf raises/squats with weights on your shoulders.
  6. Work up to shooting three pointers, one angle at a time to build muscle memory for perfecting hand and eye coordination. Work on that one line of sight working away from the basket:
    1. Visualize a line toward the basket and many lines about {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} apart, horizontally, squaring-up, facing the basket at that angle. These lines go from the basket back down the court to the three point line and will indicate places to stand, each about one foot deeper.
    2. Standing (set your off-foot, then step into your shot with the shooting foot stepping toward the basket as you extend your arm and release) close to the basket and shooting at least five times (reps/repetitions). In a different practice session practice dribbling up to a spot, doing a jump-stop and quickly align and shoot. In other sessions practice with a partner who will pass the ball to you, to practice "catch and shoot" -- using good form all the time, not flopping/goofing around (but not stiff, either).
    3. Move a foot behind that one and shoot five more times, keeping moving back after you finish five reps at each mark. This helps you to gradually learn your own strength, build the muscle memory and your hand-eye coordination for accuracy at longer distances (that's all on one angle). Next take a breather/water-break and choose another angle to start close up and work outward on that one.
  7. Always remember. B.E.E.F:
    • Balance. Every good shooter begins with balance, always line your shooting foot up with the basket and be on balance this is the B in BEEF, BALANCE.
    • Elbow. Keep your forearm straight, in a groove, not wobbling around on each shoot. After you have your balance, have your elbow on your shooting hand line up to make an L right under the ball (when the wrist is raised to near the eye level).
    • Eyes. Focus on the goal, where you want the ball to hit, basically above the rim, so the ball will go into the goal.
    • Follow through. After you release the ball, keep your hand up in the air, as if you were reaching into a cookie jar/the basket (for a second).
      • Keeping your eye on the target (the square in the backboard) is an important part of your follow through.
  8. Always jump when you shoot. This will allow you to have more power in your shot and will enable you to shoot over opponents. Practice the same way each time, until you have this perfected. Naturally, in game situations there will be distractions and obstacles, but practicing shots thousands of reps makes shooting automatic, with consistently good form.
  9. Practice at least one crossover, so that you can trick your opponent in order to have more time to shoot. Do not rush into your shot unless you have to.
  10. Think fast on your feet, and don't be intimidated, even if there is a person coming at you. You may fake by raising the ball upward, then if that defender leaves his or her feet (jumps), then you'll jump while the defender will be coming down. If you're fouled by the jumping-defender, you go to the foul line and make your best shot.
  11. Visualize yourself making every shot! Be confident!


  • Watch NBA players and use their techniques as examples such as Stephen Curry, Ray Allen, Kobe Bryant, Rashard Lewis (leaders in the NBA in 3 point field goal percentage), or any other skilled three-point shooting player, whether or not in the NBA!
  • If you're not having a good shooting day, move closer and begin working yourself out toward the foul line, taking free throws -- and then trying your best from beyond the arc.
  • Always think positively and stay focused. Keep your mind in the game -- not on the stands, officials or coach.
  • Practice good form. Practice. Practice (naturally, if very pigeon-toed or spraddle-/splay-foot, one would have to improvise on lining up the big toe, as that part of "good" form clearly won't work as previously described, get advise from a coach.)
  • Always push yourself to your limit. That's when you become on fire, and barely miss anything, shooting when prepared, as your have practiced, with confidence.
  • Find out whether it is easier to shoot treys on a jump while dribbling toward the basket, be sure not to travel.
  • Don't overpower the shot. You will either shoot too high on the backboard or bounce off it too hard. That's why you always start close to the basket and work outward, to know your strength (how it looks and feels, shooting from farther and farther out... out to the trey).
  • Shoot mostly within your range. You don't want to mess up your form.
  • Train with a regulation ball, the exact size and weight you will play in games, and on a level court, with a good backboard at regulation height, as well.
  • If you're on a team, you could ask your coach for a few private lessons to get advise on your approach and form.
  • Practice two points shot if the ball can't reach the ring if you do three points. If you master two points shots, start practising three points.
  • Body building might help get long shots in, so if you're wanting to shoot threes frequently, then you'll need to work your arms and chest muscles out. Even your legs, because you're always going to jump.
  • Gain more strength to increase the power ,if it does not reach the hoop.
  • If you jump when you shoot, you should land exactly where you were before.


  • Look out for your shooting wrist. If you have pain in your wrist, stop for that day.
  • Don't always go for the three pointer; look for openings to shoot threes, but only if you are free. Of course, tough situations demand your best, and if its the last shot of a deadlocked game, go for it -- because you're ready! (Swoosh! You made it!)
  • It's okay to miss two out-of- three /or four on average; you won't make them every time. Perfect practice makes perfect form!

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