Find Motivation to Meditate
`Meditation can be a great way to relax and de-stress. It's also used to create emotional and spiritual well-being. Sometimes, though, meditation seems like a lot of effort and just one more thing to fit into an already jam-packed day. You can find the motivation to meditate if you overcome the things that are stopping you from meditating. Then, make meditation a part of your lifestyle and select the right style of meditation that’s best for you.
Overcoming Your Obstacles to Meditate
- List the reasons why you avoid meditation.Knowing why you avoid meditating is half the battle for motivating yourself to start. By listing your obstacles, you can begin to address and overcome them.
- Be honest with yourself when making your list. Don’t write, “I have no time” if the real reason is that you don’t know how to get started.
- Creating an honest list of reasons can also help you see that you don’t have as many obstacles as you thought.
- For example, you may think you have lots of obstacles to you meditating, but after writing them down, find out that you only have two or three.
- Overcome the feeling that you don’t have time.Part of finding the motivation to meditate is realizing you don’t need as much time as you may think.
- If you don't have time to spend an hour meditating, or you get frustrated easily, then try half an hour. Or ten minutes.
- One true moment in meditation will be greater than one hour spent fidgeting and grumbling.
- Try meditating first thing in the morning or last thing at night. At these times, you will probably be least busy and will find it easier to be motivated to meditate.
- Moreover, early morning meditation may help you focus throughout the day, and late night meditation may help you sleep more deeply.
You can also overcome the obstacle of feeling that you don’t have time if you meditate when it's least likely to be interrupted by other people or tasks.
- Handle forgetfulness by scheduling meditation in.You may want to meditate, but simply forget to do it with so many other things on your mind. While simply scheduling it in may not motivate you to meditate, at least you won't have anything else to do at that moment. And since you don’t have anything else to do, why not meditate?
- Get out your calendar, planner, or agenda and write the time in for meditation each day or every few days.
- Add it to your daily To Do list or set a daily alarm on your electronic device.
- You may want to start by scheduling about half an hour for your meditation session and then increasing it over time.
- Don’t let physical problems stop you.Even though most people picture the full lotus position when they picture someone meditating, there is no correct position for meditating.
- If you are uncomfortable, you'll hardly be able to motivate yourself to practice meditation on a regular basis!
- Try sitting on a pillow, cushion, or mat if you are going to meditate on the floor. You can lean against a wall as you sit if you need to.
- Meditate while sitting in a chair. Sit back in the chair and make sure you feel comfortable before you begin meditating.
- You can also meditate while lying down.
So, don’t let stiff knees, back problems, or other physical problems stop you from meditating. If you feel physically uncomfortable in one posture, then motivate yourself to meditate by trying another position.
- Address your fears of failing.You may be afraid that you won’t be ‘good’ at meditating or be able to keep it up. But, you can motivate yourself to meditate if you remind yourself that in meditation, there is no such thing as failure.
- Tell yourself, “I can’t be good or bad at meditating. I can’t succeed at it or fail. But, I can do it.”
- If you must think of things in terms of success or failure, then consider it a success anytime you attempt to meditate.
- For example, if you can only meditate for a minute or two at a time, then give yourself credit for that!
Or success, really. With meditation you are attached to the process, not to your results.
- Meditate on your reasons for not meditating.If you have other reasons for avoiding meditation, analyze them and create your own solutions. By thinking about your reasons you will be addressing obstacles to you meditating. And just by focusing your thinking on this one topic, you will actually be meditating.
- For example, focus your mind on the thought, “I can find a way to overcome the obstacles to me meditating.”
- Allow your thoughts and concerns about meditation to flow freely. Gently redirect your thoughts if they stray from the topic of meditating.
- You might say to yourself, “I’m thinking about dinner. Let me think more about meditating.”
- As you think of obstacles, ask yourself, “How can I overcome this obstacle?”
Making Meditation a Part of Your Lifestyle
- Give yourself permission to meditate. You may feel that you could or should do something else with your time other than meditate. But, if you treat meditation like it is a part of a healthy lifestyle then you will find yourself more motivated to do it.
- You deserve to be peaceful as much as you deserve to eat, sleep, or breathe. It is a part of who you are.
- Furthermore, the world around you—–your family, your friends, your companion animals, even strangers—–deserve for you to be peaceful, too.
- ”Tell yourself, “It’s okay for me to take the time to meditate. This is a part of being healthy. It’ll help me be calmer and more peaceful. “
- Create a ‘meditation zone’.A meditation zone is a space in your home dedicated to meditation. You can even tell the rest of the household that this area is off limits during the times you are using it for meditation. Having a dedicated space that you enjoy can help you find the motivation to meditate.
- Use scented candles, incense, or aromatherapy fragrance makers to make your meditation zone appealing.
- Add light as part of the enjoyment. Use low-key colored lights or pretty hanging lights to create an atmosphere that draws you to this area for "me time".
- By making the space where you meditate a special place, in time you will become aware that you are calmer here, because it will be associated with peace and reflection.
- Play soothing music. Listening to relaxing music playing quietly in the background can help you relax and get into the ‘meditation mood’. And the more you are in the mood to meditate, the more motivated you will be to meditate.
- Create a meditation playlist of your own made up of music that calms you and helps you be more peaceful.
- Find a relaxing channel or playlist on an internet radio or video provider by searching for the term ‘meditation music’.
- If you can, wear headphones, as this also allows you to block out any other noises and distractions.
- Don’t allow the music or sounds to become a distraction. You want to focus on meditating, not the music.
- Remind yourself why you want to meditate.You can motivate yourself to meditate and make meditation a part of your lifestyle if you remind yourself why want you to do it. So keep the positive effects of meditation and your personal reasons for trying it in mind as a way to motivate yourself.
- For example, tell yourself, “One benefit is that it can help me remain more aware and focused. That will make all those tasks I have to perform much easier!
- Or, you might remind yourself, “Meditation can help me appreciate time and learn to manage it better. Then I’ll feel less rushed and busy.”
- Remind yourself if you want to use meditation as a way to think about a specific issue or question in depth. You might say, “Meditation is the way that I am going to think through this problem.”
- Think about your spiritual and religious reasons for wanting to meditate. For example, remind yourself that you want to contemplate your higher power and become insightful.
- If you feel emotionally or physically disturbed, then you may have some mental or emotional issues you need to address. Meditation may help.
Choosing a Style of Mediation
- Try mindfulness meditation.There are thousands of styles of meditation and mixing it up and finding new methods can stimulate your imagination. Try different forms of meditation, like mindfulness, to find the style that fits best with your lifestyle and motivates you to meditate.
- Focus on the here and now when you try mindfulness meditation. Meditate on your breath and how you feel emotionally and physically.
- For example, think about each part of your body and how it feels. Does anything feel tense? Do any parts of your body feel relaxed?
- Don’t try to push away or suppress anything you are feeling. Simply acknowledge it and notice the details of the feeling.
- For example, you might think, “I feel impatient. It’s making my body a bit tense.”
- Explore yoga meditation. This form of meditation is usually used before or after performing yoga poses.
- After or before your yoga session, try meditating for a few minutes.
- Find a comfortable yoga pose and meditate while you hold the pose. For example, you may want to meditate while you are in child pose.
Some yogis meditate while holding a yoga pose. The physical movement involved before or after meditating just might give you the motivation you need.
- Try Begin-Zen-Meditation-(Zazen) meditation. Also called Zazen, Zen meditation has its base in Buddhism and focuses on concentration. In this practice you concentrate on your breathing and meditate on a specific question or idea. You may find that having something specific to meditate about will motivate you to meditate.
- Start by sitting and concentrating on your breathing.
- Once you have learned to focus on your breathing, you can begin to concentrate on counting. Simply thinking about the numbers.
- Eventually, you can move to meditating on a particular koan, or question.
- Find a meditation community.Being around other people may motivate you to meditate.
- Even if you prefer solitary meditation, you may be motivated by discussing meditation with a supportive friend.
- You can use this as an opportunity to exchange insights and questions with each other.
You may enjoy meditating with others more than practicing it alone. It can also be a source of motivation knowing that friends or classmates are going to be present.
- Don’t view meditation as a chore.
- If you find it difficult to meditate, start with sitting for just 10 minutes at a time and gradually increase the time as you feel able. Ten minutes a day will benefit you as you become accustomed to your meditation.
- As a meditation in itself, notice when and why you decide to meditate. Also, notice when and why you decide to skip meditation. There is no need to judge yourself. Simply notice and learn.
- At the end of the meditation session don't just stop and rush to the next thing, hold onto the peacefulness of your meditation for a period of time. Appreciate it and carry into the rest of your life.
- Prolonged stress can result in serious health problems. Even if you are busy, take time to relax, such as through meditation, for your own well-being.
- Be aware that circumstances (of varying importance) will arise in your life. It is up to you if you decide to follow through with your commitment to meditate.
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