Make the Most of Working in a Cubicle

If you work in an office, there's a good chance you've been assigned a cubicle. Not everyone likes them for a number of reasons. Among the things people complain most about are that cubicles are impersonal, confining and simply are not pleasant to be in. However, it's possible to personalize your space, making it more comfortable - and even a bit fun!



  1. Know policies. Some companies do not allow changes to cubicles aside from work-related things, while others are more lenient. Check with someone higher up in the company, such as a manager, about the rules on decorating cubicles.
    • If what you want to do to your cubicle requires nailing things to the wall or using power tools like drills, then don't do it. Aside from annoying your coworkers with the noise, you're likely to get in trouble for damaging company property.
  2. Plan out your cubicle's look. Determine how much space you have to work with. You want to be comfortable, so don't go overboard bringing in a lot of stuff that isn't related to the job.
    • Keep in mind you're there to work. Figure out where your computer should be, the phone's location, and any other equipment you use.
    • Decide where to put drawers and cabinets to make them accessible.
    • If you're the type who creates paper piles, bring in a paper tray or two for the top of the desk. Your space will look neater.
    • If you use a paper filing system, drawers are better than crates.
  3. Organize your workspace. Once you've planned how to set up your space, start organizing. Lay out your equipment, furniture and decorations for optimal efficiency.

Personalize the Cubicle

  1. Make it homey. To make your cubicle feel more like home, bring in pictures of family or friends. Bring in that bobblehead your friend gave you, or other small sentimental items, and put them on your desk.
  2. Add color. Cubicles are often plain and colorless. Pick out colorful decorative items and pictures. It can be something as simple as colorful sticky notes!
  3. Add decorations. You can display a calendar, which is handy to keep up with deadlines. You also may be allowed to keep a small plant in your cubicle, but make sure none of your coworkers are allergic to it.
  4. Have familial things. If you have a child, try keeping a picture that they drew for you. Again, a family photo can do wonders. Just because you're working doesn't mean you can't look forward to going home.