Start an Acting Career As a Teen

If you are an attractive, charming, and intelligent teen and want something to do, then acting is a wonderful choice. Luckily for you, acting is also easy to get a simple career in.


  1. Tell your parents about your wish. This step is very important, starting to act in a professional way is very hard without your parents knowing.
  2. Find a nearby theater guild/group. If you know a group that puts on plays in your hometown, you should contact these people. The people in these groups know a lot about acting, so knowing them is advised.
  3. Wait for auditions. When an audition comes around, show off your skills and hope for the best.
  4. Ask the people in the theater group you are with if they know any ways to get into the public domain via movies and/or television.


  • If you work for your goal, you might get what you want. NEVER let go.
  • If you are not picked for a role, be cool about it. Never make a fit or get mad. Instead, try again next time there is an audition


  • Going into the public domain is very risky. If you choose to, you could possibly become a celebrity. Being famous might sound fun, but almost everything you do is recorded if you are super popular. Know this.
  • A career in acting might make you at least a bit famous or at least popular. If you do not like attention, maybe you should think a little more about whether acting is right for you.

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