Stop Getting Hit on at Work
Have you ever been hit-on at work by creepy customers or annoying co-workers? Here are some tips on how to eliminate that unwanted attention!
- Make it clear that you are not interested or are not finding the comments flattering. If you are dealing with a coworker, be firm. If you are dealing with a customer, to avoid problems, do so with a smile and immediately change the subject back to helping them. This will prevent them from feeling insulted.
- For small compliments that don't seem overtly sexual or threatening, thank the giver for the compliment and walk away (for co-workers) or change the subject back to helping them (for customers). This sends the signal that you are not interested.
- Remember that this isn't your fault. Regardless of your dress and presentation, you have a right to respect. If you have clearly turned someone down, they have no excuse for continuing unwanted attention.
- Keep good hygiene. The worst thing you could do is to stop showering. This will keep people away but may also lead to the loss of your job.
- Start becoming more involved in your work. Stay active and spend less time simply doing nothing so you can not be approached as easily. This can also be a useful way to deflect compliments.
- Accept that it will be impossible to always prevent getting hit on, especially by customers. You might need to accept that it's okay if a customer tells you you're pretty now and then as long as they aren't stalking you and accept your rejections. Remember-- it's not harassment to be asked out once, but it IS if they continue to ask you after you made your lack of interest clear.
- Tell management if you ever are made to feel truly uncomfortable or are being repeatedly harassed by the same person. They can help eliminate the problem or give you further ways to resolve the issue if it starts to interfere with your work.
- Contact a lawyer if management refuses to help you with serious or repeat offenders. This would include someone who will not accept your repeated rejections, gets angry at your rejections, prevents you from working, or follows you when you try to leave. You have a right to not be harassed at work.
- Talk to a friend about the comments. You may find them funny when shared.
- Don't go to your employer for every small incident-- they aren't going to fire your co-worker for inviting you to coffee during lunch. Save reports for repeat offenders or anyone who makes you feel scared.
- Your first rejection can be nice-- most people will simply accept that you aren't interested and move on, and that way you won't get in trouble. Don't feel like you need to respond to every compliment with a nasty retort.
- Remain calm unless you're actually in immediate danger. Your employer is more likely to support you if you appear rational.
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