Subtly Encourage Your Roommate to Move Out

So you want to rid yourself of someone, but can't stand the confrontation? If that's the case, sending the message to your roommate/housemate will be all about subtlety.

In general, your strategy should be to actively avoid the roommate, making a silent point of their undesirable presence.

This method can take time and be very inconvenient, but that is the price you pay in exchange for not confronting the roommate directly.


  1. Leave a room whenever your undesired roommate enters. Stop whatever you're doing, pack up whatever you're using carefully and tidily so that the room is arranged as if you were never there. Then leave.
  2. Don't start conversations with your roommate. If they attempt to talk to you don't ignore them outright, but set the tone of your voice to a tired manner. Make your replies short and direct, and use one-word answers if possible. Don't ask counter questions or make any statements that would encourage conversation.
  3. When you cook meals, cook them for yourself. Cooking for other housemates but excluding the undesired housemate is very rude.
  4. When your roommates/housemates go out for a drink, don't join them if the undesired one is going.
  5. Use all of the dishes, then don't wash them. Leave them in the sink. (Works better if you have only 1 roommate, this is a bad idea if you live with 2+ roommates.)
  6. Leave this page open on your computer, in plain sight.


  • If the undesired housemate confronts you, then there's no avoiding it. Saying that nothing's wrong will only aggravate the situation, as you'd be giving mixed messages.
  • If the other housemates ask you about it, tell them the truth. You may find yourself unpopular for your indirectness.
  • If these ways don't work, just tell them outright


  • Although confrontation can be hard or even scary at times, it is often the easiest and most respectful. Going about it this way is considered not only rude, but also disrespectful and cowardly by most people.
  • Being uncommunicative can make you unpopular when others hear about it. Consider again simply confronting the undesired housemate.

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