Successfully Talk With Your Crush on AOL Instant Messenger
Sometimes, the person you most want to talk to can be the hardest to talk to. Read this article for tips on how to make the Aim conversation run smoothly and prevent any embarrassing mishaps.
- If your crush is online, start the conversation off with a simple hey, hello, hi, however you normally greet people on Aim.
- When he/she responds, ask, what's up? Taking an interest in his/her life makes it seem like you are a caring and friendly person. It also gets the conversation started.
- Your next step depends on your crush's reaction. If you get a simple, "Nm, u?" [chat speak for nothing much, you?] try to get him/her to take an interest in you by saying something like, ugh, same, then adding something of interest that can spark something to talk about. For example, a good response could say, "ugh same. oh no actually I saw that new movie [insert title here] yesterday!" This will prompt your crush to start talking about the movie, how it was, etc.
- If your crush doesn't say, "Nm, u?" and instead says something like, "At the movies," or, "shopping," act enthused and say something like, oh which movie, or, oh what did you buy? The main idea here is to ACT INTERESTED and KEEP THE CONVERSATION FLOWING.
- As the conversation progresses, compliment whenever possible. Flirt a little by speckling the conversation with face that winks like ;] or ;) and laughing at whatever jokes he/she comes up with.
- Keep this going for as long as possible,and when you have to go make sure to say bye! The longer the conversation, the more likely it is that the conversation will get awkward.
- Never ask something that requires a yes or no answer. Ask something that would give you more to talk about.
- Keep the conversation flowing.The more you talk and get to know each other, the bigger chance your crush may turn into something more.
- Use smilies like :],:),:D, ;D, ;], or ;).
- Act interested at all times.
- Make time to actually meet this person to talk in person and not just online once you get to know them. You don't want to get too comfortable with not talking face to face.
- Do not flirt or use hearts if the crush is taken. You do not want to involve yourself in a love triangle or fight.
- Make time in your day to do other activities. Text instead of using Aim, or try Aim mobile, so that you can go out and do things while still getting your flirt on with your crush.
- Talking every single day will make the person lose interest. Try making AIM'ing' something special so your crush will look forward to it.
Things You'll Need
- Computer or phone.
- Crush.
- Aim installed on the computer or Aim mobile registered on the phone.
Related Articles
- Skype Your Crush
- Start a Conversation With Your Crush
Sources and Citations
- Go to to make an account, download the software, or register your number on Aim mobile.