Teach a Young Child Beginning Math Skills

Parents and older Work With Siblings can count somewhat as "The Count" does on Sesame Street. For example, you can help a child to count coins in order to spend them for a small treat, as part of family life. You can also teach toddlers and young children almost anything that is simple enough by just being clear and having fun with it. Then they will love to learn maths, because you make it exciting when you nurture talent by treating something as an adventure: smiling, and playing with the skills you wish to develop. Be somewhat serious, however.


  1. Put colorful cut outs of small, medium and large Survive Geometry Class shapes on the walls in the child's room. By being surrounded by this information all the time, they will gradually begin to remember this information subconsciously, meaning that the facts will be second hand. This will make learning even more new information much easier.
  2. Make shapes of geometry figures. There are plastic ones available that will float in the bathtub, allowing that fun sense of learning to go beyond the class room and encourage them to think for themselves - encourage them to play with those.
  3. Tell the child the names of the shapes and make it fun to think about and play with them. Remember, the concept of counting is more important than learning to identify shapes of numeric figures - that will be something that comes after counting has become normal in every day life. The recognition of numeric figures should come in natural, gradual way, through activities. Do not force the information too much, especially if the child is struggling with the information or finding it overwhelming. Allow them time to think and explain things in a clear, concise manner which is simple but not immensely detailed. Mastering the basics is your chief aim here before moving on to further elements.
  4. Sort and use clusters of multiple play blocks without necessarily counting them. This should hopefully provide initiative for the child to demonstrate their counting skills whilst playing and without you necessarily needing to ask them.
  5. Count things frequently, like "Here's one. Oh, Hey! Another one; and guess what, that's a total of two!" This will subtly remind them of what they have been learning, again encouraging them to think about it beyond the class room to incorporate it into every day life.
  6. Help them learn numeracy (creating links to other subjects, such as literacy) but never be too pushy or critical if the child's answer doesn't make sense. That will soon clear up as their vocabulary and mathematical skills develop with age and time.
  7. Start to add, or group, similar objects or general things after they can understand further about counting. 1 can of food and 1 more can equals two cans of food. Right?
  8. Be their cheerleader. "Can I get a Yeah!" Support them in all they do, to define a clear sense of right and wrong.
    • Use technical words like "equals, sum, total, solution, objects," etc. They will get the hang of it when you keep using them from day to day. Tell them abstract concept of measurement, like taller than, shorter than, lower than, higher than, smaller than, larger than through these activities. If you feel they are beginning to become used to or accustomed to a word, begin to throw in new words to their vocabulary to make things more interesting and challenging.
  9. Start to subtract similar things after they understand about adding. "Let's 'subtract.' What is 3 bottles of milk 'minus' 1 bottle?" (That equals two bottles) "Right!"
  10. Count, add, make change, subtract and spend money. Explain that when they spend their money then that is "subtracting" from what they handed to the cashier, and the answer or "solution" is what they get back as change...
  11. Introduce counting by 2's up to ten or more after counting by one is mastered. That would be 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Doing that motivates a new idea and leads to learning to multiply.
    • Repeatedly adding 2 is what multiplying by two is based upon. It's a short cut for repeated addition of the same number:
      • 2, 2 + 2 = 4, 4 + 2 = 6, 6 + 2 = 8, 8 + 2 = 10, two is in 10 5 times. So then say, "2 multiplied by 5 is equal to 10," then also say "5 times 2 equals 10"...
    • Repeatedly subtracting 2 is what dividing by two is based upon.
      • 10 - 2 = 8, 8 - 2 = 6, 6 - 2 = 4, 4 - 2 = 2, 2-2 = 0, two is in 10 5 times. So then 10 divided by 2 is 5. Use multiplying to check division.
      • 10 divided by 5 = 2
        • "Check": 2 times 5 is 10.


  1. Use extra large dominoes to learn to recognize 3, 5 and 10, etc. at a glance over time.
  2. Play dominoes as a learning game.
  3. Half things all of the time. Talk about 1/2 of a candy, half of a drink, etc.
    • Ask, "Is this half?" Explain that it's only half if it is split into 2 equal parts, numbers or amounts.
    • Ask, "Can I have the big half?"; then ask "Why that is a silly question?"
      • Explain that "half" really means splitting something into parts that are "exactly the same" and so either half should be equal: the same...
  4. Flip 1 coin and talk about "heads and tails" and "probability" is 1/2, or 1 out of 2. So explain that 1 out of 2 possible or 2 out of 4 of the same kind of things is another way to say "one half", so 2 is half of 4 (of of the 4 items or half of the 4 minutes of "time").


  • Gently introduce the child to new ideas and words to see whether he or she understands it. Get the child to explain the Conceptualize Ideas, Come Up With Ideas.
  • “Maths manipulative”, like a set of different shapes of different colors cut out of paper or wood are very useful. Download some nets (flattened patterns) of 3D shapes and work with the child on drawing it and folding it into interesting geometric shapes. You could begin with something basic, like a cube.
  • The same objects can be used to teach various concepts, from numbers, to patterns and measurements. To add a new twist to this technique, ask the child to personalize these working bits with colors of his or her own choice.
  • Working on charts with grid lines is also very useful. Color squares to represent numbers/statistics . Traverse paths, make symmetrical shapes, compute areas by counting squares. Grid line method works across many concepts, including numbers, arithmetic, geometry, and spatial awareness.
  • Design recreational maths activities, suiting his or her age. If in a large group, try and create a sense of democracy where the children can all have something to contribute. With a singular child, base this more on their individual interests as then they will be further willing to co-operate with the educational element of the task at hand.


  • Don't discourage by scolding or criticizing, but be puzzled or Keep a Toddler Busy and Entertained by little boo-boos and funny remarks.

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