Use an Epilady

For most women hair removal can cause red dots and ingrown hairs. The next steps are designed to prevent the problem, if followed correctly.


  1. Always use your Epilady after a shower or bath. The hot water will help to open the pores and relax the hair at the root, making the hair easier to remove. Remember that the Epilady is an electronic device and should not be used in or near water.
  2. Pull the skin taught. Tighten any excess skin by holding it down. As the Epilady rolls across your skin, it will be easier to pull the hairs from tight skin, as they stand up higher.
  3. Start slowly. You will be able to feel the Epilady grab onto your hair follicles. The slower you work, the more thorough the hair removal job will be.
  4. Use movements that go in the direction of the hair growth. Unlike shaving, which requires that you go against the grain of the hair, the Epilady is designed to work best with the grain of the hair. When the hair is pulled out with an Epilady, you will tend to not get the red bumps that you might otherwise get with a razor.
  5. Use moisturising Cream. Your skin may be sensitive after you use the epilator. The best treatment is using hypoallergenic moisturizing cream. This cream won’t cause irritation. You may also use a mineral oil to soothe your skin. It is not advised that you use regular lotion, however, as the chemical agents in the lotion can lead to rashes and skin irritations.


  • Make sure you don't wait for your hair to grow a lot before using your Epilady. When hair is too long, there tends to be discomfort.


  • The Epilady is an electronic device and should not be used in or near water.

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