Wear Makeup at a Young Age

Want to look good in school without too much makeup? You're never too young for makeup. It just depends how much.


Which make up for which age?

  1. Stick to make up suited to your age range. Every girl can have makeup, but your age is an indication of the amount and type. To help you , refer to this suggested makeup age chart:
    • Use your common sense to help you figure out whether some types of make ups are appropriate for your age and yourself to be wearing.
    • 10 and below - Lip gloss, a tiny bit of mascara (7-10 for mascara).
    • 11-14 - Eye primer, concealer, mascara, lip gloss or lipstick. A little bit of blush is fine! Some eyeliner couldn't hurt but only small wings.
    • 15-17 - You can wear any makeup, just not a lot of it. When doing eyeliner, do not wing it. Avoid using bold lipstick.
    • 18+ - You can do whatever you want. You are adults.

Choosing make up

  1. When you go to the make up store, try to pick subtle colors, no dark heavy eyeshadow.
  2. All a pre-teen girl needs is blush and lip gloss - nothing else. You are beautiful without it, but you can wear small amounts of it if it helps boost your confidence, or makes you feel good.
  3. Try picking out colors like a very light pink, light blue, silver, or skin color.
  4. Add some lip gloss if wished. However, save the dark lipstick for occasions.

Applying make up

  1. When applying the make up, wash your face first with a warm washcloth.You don't want to pile make up on a dirty face; this will make your make up oily and messy.
  2. Put on just enough lip gloss to make your lips soft and shiny. Do not add so much that you can taste and smell it.
  3. When applying the eyeshadow, only put it on the ball part of your eye. Again, don't go overboard.)The ball part of the eye is the lid, starting from the lash line, and ending at the crease, the place between your eyelid and your brow bone.# When you are applying the eyeshadow, apply just enough to make it visible.
  4. Just a hint: when you wear too much make up, you look scary, and it looks skanky.
  5. Remember that more is less when it comes to makeup. Makeup is to bring out your natural beauty.

Natural makeup style

  1. Know that natural style means not to go overboard.
  2. Choose an eyeshadow that is two shades darker than your skin tone, or one that is shimmery. Try a gold color or a peach colour.
  3. Wear tinted chapstick, lipgloss, or a natural colour a bit lighter, pinker, or darker than your natural skin color.
  4. The most common concern for someone going through puberty or experiencing acne/breakouts is skin. Use a concealer, cream foundation, or a powder foundation. Try holding it up to your face in the store, or asking a friend to check if it looks natural.
  5. For eyes, wear light mascara. Sometimes brown is a good choice, but a thin layer of black is okay too. Just wear what you think looks best. Also, if you don't want to wear color, try clear mascara.
  6. Before you put on any makeup, and after you wear it, wash your face with an acne wash. Try using an oil free moisturizer right before putting it on.
  7. Have fun with it, and don't wear it for anyone but you.


  • Only wear a little.
  • Colors to wear: light blue, light pink, and/or skin color
  • Don't wear make up every day.
  • Think about why you want to wear makeup. Don't just do it "because it's cool" or to follow what your friends are doing.
  • Be sure to remove your makeup with a makeup wipe and wash your face every night to prevent any problems from happening.
  • When you're young, makeup makes you look older than you really are, so be careful with the amount you use.


  • Make sure to check for allergies before using a product, and if you experience any rashes, itching or other symptoms, remove immediately.
  • One way to check if you're allergic to a product is by dabbing small amounts onto sensitive areas like your inner wrists. Remember, not all allergies come immediately, so wait a couple minutes.
  • If you wear to much make up, you, and others, will think you look crazy. When you're young, keep it subtle.
  • Makeup can literally ruin your skin for good so be cautious.

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