Wear Makeup Without Your Parents Knowing

You've begged, you've whined and you've pleaded. No matter what you do your parents are too stubborn. Or, maybe you've never asked but you know they'll say no. Don't be afraid to ask! Never be afraid to ask.


  1. Get a good shopping day! Go to the mall with a friend or just ride your bike to Target. It doesn't really matter, you just need to be without your parents, so they don't catch you or ask what you're buying.
  2. Don't buy anything noticeable.
  3. Lips - buy really anything except for a bright or dark gloss or stick. Chap sticks and balms are the most unnoticeable. If you are at the mall and do not want expensive stuff from Macy's, head to a Justice, Claire's or Icing.
  4. Eyes - wear a neutral shadow and apply it close to the top edge of your eyelid. For mascara, clear is best. You could also try a color which matches the colour of your lashes.
  5. Cover-Up - Learn how to choose and apply concealer and foundation properly.
  6. If you want to have a more dramatic look, get to school early and do your makeup in the bathroom. If you take the bus, learn how to do it on stoplights.
  7. Keep the makeup in a bag buried deep in your book bag - if you have to, hide it with your pencil case.
  8. Make sure you remove your makeup at the end of the day. You can either keep a bottle of makeup remover in your bag, disguised in a body mist/perfume bottle, or you can make your own makeup remover.
    • To make your own makeup remover, get your ingredients ready: no-tear baby shampoo, filtered water, coconut oil, paper towels, and a container with a lid you can close.
    • Put one cup of filtered water into a microwavable bowl with 2 tbsps of coconut oil and 2 squirts of shampoo. Microwave for 35 seconds and pour into the container.
    • Cut the paper towel squares to fit in the jar. Put the towels into the jar. Make sure they get covered by the makeup remover so that when you pull them out for use, they will be soaked and ready to go.


  • Don't wear makeup unless you think it's suitable. Some schools don't allow makeup, and you don't want to get in trouble for something that you shouldn't be doing in the first place.
  • Consider whether wearing makeup is really worth deception and disobedience. Ask your parents their reasons for not allowing makeup. If you talk to them calmly and with an open mind, you might see their side.
  • Try asking permission from your mom before doing it behind her back.
  • If you are going to wear makeup, don't overdo it. There are many video tutorials available on the internet outlining proper technique.
  • Over time, you may convince your parents that you are mature enough to start wearing makeup. Don't overdo it. What not to ask: "What would you do if i was secretly wearing makeup?" Try this instead: "I like that shade of lipstick on you Mom." Initiating a conversation in this way may help your cause.
  • If you do your make up at school, remove it on the way home so you don't arrive home with heavy mascara , neon pink lipstick , thick foundation , heaps of blusher and bright purple eye shadow.
  • Carry makeup wipes or remover so that you can take off your makeup in a hurry if needed.
  • If you are going to wear makeup to school, make sure that you do not go with your parents because they might catch you.


  • If you are secretly wearing makeup at school. be extra careful if you're sisters/brothers/cousins etc. are attending the same school as you, especially if they are mad at you and might want to get you in trouble.
  • If your parents find out, they will lose ALL trust in you, so make sure you hide it WELL!
  • Your parents are smarter than they look...enough said!

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