Write a Personalized Message in a Valentine's Day Card

Valentine's Day is a special day of the year; one for romance, love and the expression of heartfelt feelings. Something small like the message inside a Valentine's Day card can produce tears of joy or smiles of happiness from the one you love. Make this day extra special for your partner, follow the simple guidelines below.


Choosing the card

  1. Buy a card with a blank inside to write the message in. Or, even better, you could hand make a card from quality materials. Handmade cards show your loved one that you put effort into crafting a personalized message; this can be most effective if you're not usually known for making such an effort. If you aren't the crafty type, go all out to find the best card to suit your partner. For example, if they are into humour, find a funny card or, if they are romantic, buy a card with a romantic message on the front.

Adding the message

  1. Decide what type of message you want to write inside the card. Do you want to write a poem? Perhaps a love quote? Maybe a simple message is more your type? Either way, again, think of your beloved and what they want more than what you would like from them.
  2. Plan out what you are going to put on a piece of scrap paper beforehand. Think about the type of font(s), the sizes you'll use and any additional effects you would like to involve for the best results. You could even add little decals or pictures around your message. Make the message personalized and individual to the receiver of the card.
    • Keep it short and pithy. Don't write an essay in the card or your receiver might feel overwhelmed.
    • If you aren't sure what to write, concentrate on what you love about this person most, their best features, the little things they do that make your heart flutter.
  3. Transfer your message onto the card in your best handwriting. Try not to change anything you sorted out in your plan unless you are sure you won't make any mistakes. A first thought on something is almost always the best and never to be turned on. Write in your lover's favourite colours. It is the little things that add up in the end.
  4. Get a friend that knows your loved one well or a friend of your loved one to look over the message to see if they agree with what you have put. Getting someone else to look over something in a different angle can make a difference. It is better to do this after the planning stage, to avoid having to cover up words already added to account for what your friend suggests, but in some cases, you may find that changes can be easily incorporated.
    • This step is optional. You may be perfectly happy with what you've written as the message and don't feel the need to have second-guessing occurring.
  5. Sign off the card with your name. If your partner has a nickname for you, use that instead. A nickname helps to increase the personal factor you want to achieve. Add kisses to show the extent of your love. Place in its envelope, give it to the recipient and watch your lover open the card on Valentine's Day with an unforgettable grin!


  • Be creative with your message. Experiment with fancy lettering and a mixture of colours.
  • You could add some personal memories to the inside message. For example, you could add tickets to a film you watched together or a leaf from an autumn walk you two embarked on. Again, this all adds to the personal element you want to achieve.
  • If you use a quote as your message, make it relevant to the two of you. Don't just place a random one you found off the Internet on the card. Find the perfect, personalized one.
  • Make it come from your heart.


  • Don't let yourself be too influenced by other people's opinions. Sometimes yours is the best available. If you don't want to show the message to any other person, then don't.
  • Don't let your message get too cheeky, even if you mean to be funny. Your other half might not take this too easily and a broken relationship on Valentine's Day is not to be looked forward to! However, you are in the best position possible to know what your lover will appreciate.
  • Avoid lengthy passages. Your partner is likely to find this boring or perhaps even annoying.

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