Annoy Your Siblings
Do you like to annoy and prank your siblings? This is a popular pastime for brothers and sisters around the world! After you annoy them, go easy on them; after all, you don't want them hating you for life, and pulling prank after prank isn't very mature anyway. That being said, let the annoyances begin!
Mucking About
- Annoy your siblings while they're sleeping. If they're trying to get to sleep, they'll be really annoyed that you're not letting them sleep. If they're already asleep, they'll be annoyed that you woke them up for no reason.
- When your sibling is sleeping, put your face right on top of theirs, stare at them, breathe hard, cough on them, or sneeze on them.
- If your sibling is sleeping, go get some make-up and paint a clown face on your face(if you don't have makeup, use non toxic markers!). Then, get a flashlight, and wake him up. As he opens his eyes, shine the flashlight on your face. He'll see the clown face and get really scared.
- If your sibling is trying to get to sleep, keep asking him or her a ridiculous question like "Where do frogs come from?" over and over again. Keep asking the same question until your sibling wants to scream.
- Venture into your sibling's room a lot. Call your sibling nice things, then ask them to read in their room because it's a nice spot. You can also read over their shoulder. This is very annoying, especially when they're reading a book they don't want you to see. When they're gone, move some of their stuff and read one of their books. Make sure there are other people around that could have moved them, so there are more suspects. If they blame it on you, say something like "I didn't mean to" or " I looked at them, and forgot where they went."
- Cheat at games and deny cheating. If they win, then say "I win! I win!" and keep on saying it. When you beat your sibling at your favorite game, shout "You lose!" repeatedly.
- Whenever you're playing a game with your sibling, take the game very seriously when you are winning. Whenever your sibling is winning, act like you don't care. Don't make a big deal if your sibling loses interest when you're winning — they want you to get upset!
- Act like a mime for a while around them alone. Pretend to be in an invisible box, then if someone else comes in the room, act normal. If your sibling calls you names, do something random that fits what they said and point at them. Get in their face to creep them out.
Mind Games
- Play with an imaginary object. If your sibling says something like "you're an idiot," turn around and, if there's a pencil behind you, pick up the pencil and say "It's all right, pencil, he/she didn't mean it."
- This gets very annoying if you keep talking to the imaginary object instead of your sibling.
- Your sibling might even scold you back like "You're the fool who's talking to a pencil." The backup plan for this is to tell your teacher or parent that your sibling not only scolded the pencil but also scolded you.
- Learn a foreign language that they don't know. Start insulting them in that language. Make sure your parents don't know the language. To make it easier, don't just learn bad words, get insults, curse words, or mean phrases in your vocabulary.
- Or, you can just say "Hi, your name is (name)" or some other random phrase, and make them think you are insulting them. Then, after they beg you (or tell on you), you can tell them what it really means.
- Another proven method is to call them "benevolent," which means nice. After they disagree and you tell them what it really means, continue this a few days, and one day change "benevolent" to "malevolent," which means "mean" or "nasty."
- Make up your own language and start insulting them in it. Make sure it is hard to understand. If they understand it then they can tell your parents.
- Follow your sibling around and stare at them wherever they go. This is another super-annoying trick. If they stare back, then start staring at them with very very wide eyes and a scary face. Put your face about an inch away from theirs, and make it obnoxious.
- Stare at the back of your siblings head till they turn around. Just smile and wave. Then do it over and over again till they get annoyed!
- Point at them. You don't even need to look at them, but if they move, keep following them with your finger. For some reason, pointing is really threatening and annoying. Siblings hate it!
- Ignore them ruthlessly even when they get upset. When your sibling is talking to you, be quiet and ignore them like they are not there. This works very well when they are asking you where something is.
- Call your brother a girl or your sister a boy. Siblings hate it when another sibling pretends they're a different gender, especially if they're a boy. Calling a boy a girl is one of those things that should really annoy him.
- Mistakenly call them the opposite of what they are. For example, if you have a brother and you're talking to someone right in front of your brother, say "My brother is so annoying! She... I meant he! said...". Do this over and over.
Making Noise
- Play the kazoo or another very annoying instrument. A kazoo is a very annoying instrument. Play it loudly and obnoxiously. Do it in the morning, at night; pretty much whenever your sibling is trying to concentrate or wants quiet.
- Another annoying instrument to be playing all over the place is a recorder. This time, take the top part of it off, and blow into it "loudly" when your sibling is doing homework, watching TV, talking on the phone, etc.
- Make random noises every now and again. Make sure that they do not see you. They will get annoyed, wondering where it is coming from. You can just sit around the corner watching and laughing!
- Slurp every drink you have as loudly as you can. If you're alone with your sibling(s) and you get thirsty, get a glass of water (or any other liquid) and slurp it. It will drive them nuts after a little while.
- Sing a song over and over again. Choose songs that become annoying when sung over and over again. Sing it in an annoying tone, and make sure that they don't like the song.
- Sing la la la la la in your sibling's ear. When they turn around, run but keep on doing it until they yell.
- Sing an annoying song such as "What does the fox say?" and make up words to go with it.
- Sing goofy things like turiht turiht wakka wakka e e bananananananana. Over and over and over again.
- Mimic your sibling. It's very annoying when you say exactly what your sibling said back at him/her. It's a form of ignoring what they're saying.
- If they say "you're stupid", for example, say "I know you are, but what am I?" They'll just say "You're stupid!" again. Keep saying "I know you are, but what am I?". This will get them very annoyed at you.
- If they keep calling you "stupid/mean/dumb/etc." try to use some general knowledge and say: "The people who call others stupid/mean/dumb are actually the most stupid/mean/dumb people in the universe, which means that you're stupid/mean/dumb. Goodbye!"
- If your sibling calls you a copycat, just say: "That's what you think, and what you want it to be." Then keep saying exactly what they say until they walk away, furious and frustrated.
- Rub it in your sibling's face. When your mom or dad tells your sibling anything (not something like "you got straight A's" or something!), say "Yeah, [their name]." If your parent tells your sister to clean up her room, for example, just say "Yeah, Clara." Do this whenever your parents give your siblings an order.
- Keep saying "What?" to everything your sibling says. If they ask you where something is, say "What?". If someone else comes and says something to you, don't say "What?" to them.
- Make a continuous, incessant sound. It could be anything: beeping, humming, singing, etc. When they get annoyed and tell you to stop, say no and continue doing whatever sound you are making. They will make another incessant sound just to annoy you into stopping. Even if it is, act like it doesn't and shrug. They will try to compromise and then scream and leave.
Punishment Time
- Get your sibling into trouble. If you're by yourself with your sibling, lie on the ground and scream. When your mom or dad comes, say that he/she pushed you. Your parents will punish them.
- Tell on your sibling. If your sibling is doing something that they don't want your parents to know about, tell on them. They'll really dislike that. Make sure that you have proof of them doing whatever they're doing by videotaping, audio recording, or photographing it. It's sweet, sweet revenge.
Pulling Pranks
- Sneak up on your sibling and scare them when they do not expect it. If they're in the bathroom and the door is open, or they're at their desk quietly doing homework, sneak up on them and yell "Boo!" really loud or make an alarm go off really loudly.
- Take a lot of your sibling's homework and photocopy it. Then crumple some of it up and say "I'm crumpling up your homework" and go on an rip it up. Throw the pieces at them, then keep doing this every hour.
- Mess with your sibling's progress. Let's say your sibling likes to play computer or video games, for example. If you mess with their progress so they have to do the same level over again, they'll get really annoyed.
- If your sibling is playing a video game, wait until they leave the room. Once they've left the room, restart the level or the whole game and quickly hide. Make sure you have more than one sibling, so there are more suspects. Deny everything your sibling accuses you of, saying that he/she may have restarted himself/herself because he/she wanted to relive the thrill of the game.
- Bonus points if they're playing a game like Call of Duty or Halo with long campaign levels, and you reset the level when they haven't saved for several missions/levels/etc.
- Ask your sibling if he/she needs help on a level and then purposely die or harm the character's progress. Say "whoopsie!" Put down the controller and walk away.
- If they are on the computer all day long, unplug the modem and plug it back in, or find another way to get the internet down (like making a call if you have dial-up).
- When your little sibling has just sat down to play his/her new favorite video game, get a long, wide towel and rush over to the room s/he's in with the towel wrapped around you. Sit in a chair behind them. They'll look at you and ask what you're doing, but don't say anything. When his/her attention is fully back on the game, slowly make your way over to the TV screen. Then, quickly cover the screen and hold it there so she/he can't see her/his game. He/she will start to get angry and when she/he looks like she/he is about to explode with anger, take down the towel and run away.
- Leave your sibling in the dark. If your sibling is in the bathtub with the curtain closed and has left the door open, go inside, turn off the light and shut the door. They'll have to get out of the warm bath in order to see.
- If your sibling is quietly doing homework at night with the light on, keep slowly and quietly coming into the room and turn off the lights. Each time, they'll have to get up out of their seat and turn on the lights before they can see the homework.
- Hide your sibling's favorite things. It is even better is to hide it in another sibling's closet, so the blame goes on them and not you. You've just killed two birds with one stone!
- Put water in your sibling's milk. If they are eating their breakfast/lunch/dinner, ask them if they would like some milk. Go to the fridge and fill the glass up with water, then pour a tiny bit of milk to make it look white. Serve it to them and say "This is the last bit of milk. You're welcome! And then run away.
- Put salt in their soft drink. Ask them if they want a soda. Open the soda, dump a bunch of salt in the soda, and wait until they drink it. When they complain, just say "Soda isn't healthy for you anyway! I'm looking out for you bro/sis!"
- If you don't want to put salt in their cola, just shake the cola up really hard right before you bring it to them. When they open it up, it'll spray everywhere. Also you can put mints in their cola just before you give it to them so it will shoot everywhere.
- Pretend you're sleeping. If you are watching TV or just lying on your bed and you hear your sibling coming close, act like you are sleeping. They will either leave or come near you. If they come near you, jump up and scream, scaring the daylights out of them. Bonus points if it's in their ear.
- Do the classic plastic-wrap over the toilet. If you want to get them really good, put Saran wrap or other plastic wrap on the toilet seat and tell them that the bathroom is open. When they have to go, they'll have to deal with the big mess. Boys can also pee on the seat, so be careful about that.
- While your sibling is asleep, put shaving cream (or whipped cream) on their hand. Then tickle their nose a little and run. Jump in your bed and pretend to be asleep, if they come in your room and try to do the same thing to you, put it in their face. Classic!
- If your sibling is on the computer writing something (an essay for school, something on Facebook), change some of the words. Say they typed something like "My name is billy" You can change it to "My name is barley" or something like that. You can add, change, or delete their work.
- Rearrange your sibling's room as much as you can. Move their desks, beds,and all their stuff. Do it while your parents are busy somewhere else in the house and while your sibling(s) are gone. Then it is possible that your parents did it (the more suspects the better).
- Move their toys at night or while they're away (only works with younger siblings). Put on a ghost movie or Toy Story before starting. They will think that their room is haunted or that their toys came to life.
- Make your sibling a meal, ask them what they want. Make it for them but add some hard to notice tricks. Say they want milk to drink, add water. Maybe they want a sandwich, add a little extra ingredient. Make any changes small, and if they ask, make something up.
Bugging Your Siblings
- Bug your sibling with useless stuff. If your sibling is mad and in their room with the door shut, knock on the door over and over again until they come to the door. If they come to the door and ask you what you want, pause and say, "Hi" and run off. That will get them extremely mad.
- Call your siblings nicknames they hate. Yell their name over and over in variations of nicknames that they hate, right in their ear when they are busy. Or hide and say it, so that they can't find you.
- Bug them when they are with their friends. If your sibling is older, hang around him/her when their friends are along. When he/she tells you to back off, don't say anything and keep following them. Do this until one of your parents tells you to back off.
- If your parents tell you to stop, tell them "I was just trying to be friendly! I don't have any friends" and your parents might force your sibling to include you.
- If your sibling starts calling you names, throwing things at you, or intimidating you, bring this evidence to your parents and try to get your sibling in trouble.
- Play the paper basket game. Each time your sister/brother opens her/his mouth to yawn, talk, or sing, take a crumpled up paper and aim it into her/his mouth while screaming "basket!" She'll/he'll think twice before opening her/his mouth in front of you again.
- Record yourself saying: "You suck" in a stupid sounding sing song voice. Crawl under their bed while they're not noticing and play that recording repeatedly.
Embarrassing Your Siblings
- This works best on siblings when it is their first day in a new school. Write "Dear, (their name), I hope you have a wonderful day and make lots of new friends! XOXO Love, Mommy" on a post-it in pink marker or gel pen, and put it in their lunch box.
- Tease your sibling about a girlfriend/boyfriend they don't have. When she/he is talking on the phone, run around in circles yelling "[Their name] has a girl/boyfriend."
- This only really works with younger siblings. Older siblings aren't as ashamed to have a girlfriend or boyfriend.
- Pretend to be your sibling on one of their accounts. When your sibling is IMing their friends or using Facebook, wait until they get up to go the bathroom or take a break and leave the room. Sneak over there and type some words into the chat or change your sibling's status to something really random like "I like horses shaped like clouds!"
- Don't sit there and take it. If your sibling tries to make fun of you without evidence to back it up, like "you're stupid" or "loser," attack them with an embarrassing story or a time when they failed. This is really effective when others are around.
- For example: "Remember that time when you went to the dance at school with Emily and you had diarrhea, and when you came back your pants were dripping." Details magnify effect. Tease them about it. You can make up stories too, and if they deny it, it will seem more true.
- Hang around your older sibling when they're spending time with a boy/girlfriend. If they're snuggling in the living room while they watch a movie, sit down and start watching. It will be a test of wills, so be prepared to outlast them.
- Mess with them while they're on the phone. While they're on the phone with their friend, get on the phone secretly to listen. You may get in trouble, but it's all worth it. When revealing you were listening, say it at a perfect time, but not too early.
- While they're talking on the phone, try calling your sibling from a restricted number so they don't know it's you. When they answer pretend to be an old grandpa asking for cheese, for example, or something like that.
- If an older brother/sister is on the phone with his/her boyfriend/girlfriend and there's an extension phone, make burping sounds down the line.
- Pretend one of your parents needs them to do something right away and or is calling them. When they put the phone down to go check what it is they need to do, hang up the phone.
- Tell your sibling you love them over and over again. In the middle of a restaurant, or in front of their friends, embrace them in a huge hug and say "I love you so much!" over and over again. If you want to make it worse, wear bright, bright pink/red lipstick and kiss them all over their face.
- Get into their personal secrets. If a friend is coming over, steal their diary or wherever they keep best secrets. Read it and start gushing the secrets in front of their friend.
- Write a "love letter" to your sibling from their crush. Pretend you are their crush and write a letter to them asking them to meet them somewhere at a time of your choice. This mostly works with older siblings and you will have to do some work to find out their crush.
- Write a "love letter" to someone from them. Do your best to copy their handwriting, to make it look convincing. Again, this mostly works with older siblings and you will have to do some work to decide who has a crush on them.
- Tell them that you love them that you will hug them. They will run.
- Poke and prod your sibling. If you sleep in the same room as them, poke them without being seen. Do this a few times, and then purposely get caught. It will annoy them more if they know it's you.
- Continually poke them and jump backwards if they attempt to retaliate. This is famous for annoying people. Poke your sibling, run back, then quickly pick up a book and start reading.
- Bug your sibling on long car-rides. Car-rides can get really annoying for siblings because you're stuck in the same place together for a while.
- Offer to give your sibling the front seat and sit directly behind them. Periodically, give them:
- A wet-willy. Suck on your finger and stick it into their ear.
- A tickle on or near their ribs.
- An annoying nudge on the back of their seat with your legs.
- A breath of air right on the back of their neck.
- A kick in the back of their seat.
- Offer to give your sibling the front seat and sit directly behind them. Periodically, give them:
- Try to only do this when they've been really mean to you.
- Make annoying noises over and over again. When they ask you to stop, mimic them.
- Do not let your parent or guardian know that you are trying to annoy them purposely.
- Make up a weird language and pretend to insult them with it.
- Ask silly or nonsensical riddles or questions.
- Whenever they annoy you repeatedly ask 'what?'.
- Don't do wet willy. But if your in the back seat knock on there head and say: knock knock knock over and over again. If they yell at you, keep doing it until they try to hurt you. Then try something else.
- Sing something really annoying. Try a song like The crazy weirdo song, Fluffy fluffy unicorns, or Fried Chicken song. This will get on their nerves.
- Take a piece of candy, undo the wrapper, don't tear it. Eat the candy, then fold the wrapper back, and give it to your siblings.
- Do not get to the point where you will get in trouble and just be careful.
- If they're wearing a hat take it from them and replace it with something else.
- While they are sleeping switch the pillow with something else for example an old or wet book or something hard.
- A slide whistle also works amazingly as an annoying instrument.
- If you sleep under them in a bunk bed you could lay down and use your feet to push the mattress up in the middle of the night.
- Make sure not to push any boundaries. Even though you are trying to annoy them, they're still human and should be treated like one.
- Never tell a parent or guardian that you are doing this. As this will result in punishment.
- Your sibling might use these tips to get revenge, so watch your back.
- Do not do the same prank over and over again. They will get caught up and tell on you, therefore getting your parents mad.
- You could be severely punished, so watch out!
- Do not do this when a parent/guardian is around. You parents will easily catch you.
- Be prepared for the retaliation.
- If you annoy your sibling constantly, chances are they are going to hate you. You could possibly ruin your friendship with him/her for life.
- Do not do this if your sibling is smart, unless you are smarter. If you are not, you will get caught, or annoying him/her will feel very lame.
- Do not be surprised if you get in trouble with your parents. Every action comes with a consequence.
- Bullying a sibling is as unacceptable as bullying anyone else. Do not intimidate your sibling and if you are bullied by a sibling, tell an adult.
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