Apply for a First Job After Leaving the Service

How do I change my military career genre into concise civilian language for my resume? How do I handle interview questions proving my military career fits the civilian corporations? This article will answer these 2 basic questions.


  1. Try to turn all your military jargon into civilian jargon. How do you accomplish this step? Get out all of your military reviews and start doing some research on how your skills, accomplishments, and proven capabilities aligns itself to the civilian world.
    • Since military reviews can be quiet lengthy you will need to cut the meat out of them and only use what is directly related to the job you are seeking.
    • Most companies could care less about your shooting skills etc. Then sale your abilities with a specific hard hitting cover letter addressed to the person in charge of hiring. Keep the letter one page and about three paragraphs.
  2. Type up a resume summarizing all of your qualifications and accomplishments that may be relevant to the new position. Join the Chamber of Commerce and keep abreast of all the company's trends and technological developments. Keep yourself informed of all the company's goals and accomplishments. Show that even though your proven capabilities has been for the Military that you can easily transform them into the corporate environment.
  3. Always carry a list of three very strong references with you to the interview as well as any other legal documentation which may be required such as Citizenship, Driver's license, proof of educational accomplishments in case they are asked for. In all instances be prepared.
  4. If you speak different languages be sure to include that in the resume and/or cover letter depending what the job calls for.

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