Be Calm on a First Date
Everyone stresses about the first date, about how to act and about how to come across to their date. With these simple tips and steps, not only will you come across great to your date, but also you'll encourage them enjoy you and like you for who you really are.
- Think about how much you like the person your date is with. Consider what kind of relationship you're hoping to have with this person. Is it someone you find drop-dead gorgeous? Or someone you think has a nice personality, but you're unsure of the chemistry? Based on what you want in the future with this person, you can decide what topics of conversation you're comfortable with, what information about yourself you'd like to share, and what vibe to give off to them.
- Don't have too many expectations. Go into it with an open mind! Don't imagine a catastrophe, nor imagine a perfect evening. Most first dates range from awkward to mediocre to pretty good. There's no such thing as the perfect one.
- Treat your date as if they're a friend. If you look at the person you're going to go out with, as someone you don't know extremely well (a stranger), you'll get so nervous about the fact that they're foreign you won't be able to just be yourself. Talk to them as you would an old friend. Playfully tease them as you might your friends, tell silly stories, don't be afraid to show off the person you are day-to-day.
- Pick a date location that you'll feel comfortable in. If you never go to fancy restaurants, or to the ballet, don't choose it as a first date location. You want to go to a place you're somewhat familiar with and feel at home in. Even if it's not some place you've gone often, if it's in an area you know, that's good.
- Choose a fun activity; something that is different. Everyone goes to dinner and a movie! Do something you'd never think of. For example, go shopping (window or regular), work out together, go to a bookstore and look around, etc. Choose an activity both of you can enjoy and are interested in, often doing these things you show off your personality most.
- Dress and groom yourself in a manner that's comfortable for you. If you never wear dresses and heels or a suit and tie, don't do it on a first date. You won't feel like yourself, you'll be uneasy, and your date will be able to tell. Casual, to sophisticated-casual are the best ways to dress (granted you're not going to the opera). If you are going to a place that's fancy and requires formal attire, find or buy something that is dressy but still comfy. Choose flats over heels or nice khakis over slacks.
- Acknowledge that there's always a good chance for a second date. If you're not sure how you're holding up on the first one (and haven't totally crashed and burned), remember that it's only the first date. Most first dates are really awkward, it's not until the second, third or however many that you really get comfortable. If you have any doubts about it, just remember that your date is probably just as nervous as you are.
- No situation is made better by using addictive substances, however if you really deem it necessary have a drink or a cigarette before your date. Don't get sloshed and don't go out reeking of cigarette smoke or alcohol, so limit yourself to one drink and carry breath mints with you.
- Be honest. Don't be phony or pretend to be something/someone you're not. You don't want to start off with dishonesty.
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