Deal With a Bragging Friend

Most people have that one friend who constantly brags, here's some helpful tips on how to deal with that certain friend and prevent them from bragging so much!


  1. When your friend brags only a little, listen to them. If you don't listen, they will get angry at you.
  2. When they brag a lot, bring up some topics you would like to brag about, too.
  3. If they are bragging about something they just received, say something like "Oh! Those are so cool!" or "Nah, I find those boring!".
  4. Don't let your friend get all the words in. Say some things, too.
  5. Support your bragging friend. It may be hard, but do it. If your friend got an iPod, say something like "Awesome! You're so lucky!"
  6. If they brag when you are saying something, say something like "Excuse me? Can I please finish? Thank you!"
  7. If the bragging gets out of hand, just tell them that they are bragging way too much and it is making you envy them. But this sometimes can cause a fight because the person may think that you're wrong and that she/he does not brag.
  8. If your friend brags a lot, just don't pay attention. Mess up your locker combo, dig in your bag for a pencil, read a book, turn up your iPod.
  9. Try to get someplace else quick. If you are going to class, walk fast. Better yet, say you saw your friend. But don't lie to the extreme. "OH! I saw Britney Spears!" is not going to work.
  10. Bring up different topics. If they said, "I am getting a red sports car for my birthday!" you could say "My dad works at a place where they sell sports cars! Where does your dad work?"
  11. Cope with it for a while. Just know that the day you want to brag, they better listen up!


  • Remember that you can only measure your self-worth, you shouldn't let other people's actions or words affect your mood or esteem.
  • Make sure you have other friends and backup.
  • Ditch the friend if she/he's not a true friend.
  • If they continue bragging it's okay to let them know.
  • If you meet her again boasting about herself you know, how wonderful she is tell her/him quietly that you're annoyed and that it's obvious that she is boasting make her understand.
  • If she/he keeps on saying that shes everything ignore her for a while instead tell him or her how you feel but speak politely and listen to your friend's opinions too.
  • Don't gang up on her/him so out of the blue.
  • Don't yell at him/her you might get mistaken.
  • If you say to her/him that you have something good and want to tell her/him about it, and then she/he says they have that and something better, say that you doubt it and walk off to other friends.


  • Don't let it be easy to know that you are ignoring them.
  • Expect rumors.
  • Don't be mean to the friend that brags.

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