Choose a Designated Driver
Any time that a group of people goes out to drink, whether it's a planned celebration or an informal meeting, having a designated driver is important. Designated drivers play a vital role in decreasing roadway accidents and helping everyone get home safely. By selecting the right driver, confirming your plan, and creating a backup plan, you can ensure that you will get home safely.
Selecting the Right Driver
- Choose a licensed driver. Although it sounds like common sense, you should choose a designated driver that has a valid driver's license. Don't rely on someone who has had their license revoked or only has a learner's permit.
- Ask the driver about their driving record if you have any questions about their age or driving eligibility.
- Select a driver randomly. If you are going out for drinks with a group of friends, you can decide who will be the designated driver using a random selection process. This will ensure that the selection process is fair. However, do try to switch things up - if someone was the designated driver last time, don't let them be designated driver this time.
- Try random selection methods such as drawing names out of a hat.
- Make sure that you have enough drivers for the group. It is important to have enough seats in the vehicle for each member in your group. If the designated driver does not have enough seats in their car to safely transport each member, you should select another designated driver. Each person should have their own seatbelt.
- Share the responsibility. Unless you have one friend who enjoys being the designated driver, be polite and share this responsibility with your friends. Set up a rotation or schedule with your friends to help share the responsibility of being the designated driver. When it is your turn to be the designated driver, be responsible and reliable.
- If someone offers you a drink when you are the designated driver be sure to inform them that you are serving as your group's designated driver. Say something like, “I won't be drinking tonight since I am serving as the designated driver for my friends.”
Confirming the Plan
- Select your designated driver before you begin drinking. Avoid deciding that your group will need a designated driver after the first round of drinks. It is very dangerous to decide who will be the designated driver based off of the person who is the least drunk or has had the least to drink.
- Confirm that the driver will not consume alcohol. It is wise for the designated driver to remain sober the entire night. Although it is legal to drive with a blood alcohol content of .08, unless you have an accurate breathalyzer, it is wise for the designated driver to completely refrain from drinking.
- Give the keys to the driver before anyone drinks. To avoid any disagreements or fights while you are intoxicated, give your keys to your designated driver before you start drinking. Instruct the designated driver to not return your keys to you until you are sober, even if you adamantly request them.
Creating a Backup Plan
- Call a taxi. Sometimes your plan does not work out the way you planned it. In that case it is wise to have a backup plan. Taking a taxi or an Uber is a good way to avoid driving if you have had too much to drink and don't have a safe way home.
- Call a cab when your designated driver has also had too much to drink or has left the party.
- Call a cab when you are alone and have not designated a driver to get you home.
- Use public transportation. If a taxi is too expensive consider taking the bus or train to get home safely. Use caution if you are using public transportation while you are intoxicated. Try to be aware of your surroundings and travel with at least one other person.
- Make use of designated driver programs. In some larger cities, there are designated driver services that can get both you and your car home. Some non-profit organizations and for-profit companies will offer designated driver services during peak drinking times, such as New Year's Eve.
- Remember to tip your driver as many of them are volunteers.
- Connecticut, New Jersey, and Rhode Island have designated driver services available in each county.
- Dryver is a designated driver service that provides a website and app to help you find a designated driver.
- Have a designated friend or family member on speed dial. Make an agreement with a friend or family member that you can trust to pick you up when you need them to. Make sure that this person is reliable and responsible and won't pick you up when they are intoxicated themselves.
- Always make a plan before you start drinking.
- Keep a list of phone numbers available to call if you need a driver.
- Never drink and drive. It puts you and others at a risk of injury or death.
- Sometimes your designated driver will not act responsibly. Always have a backup plan.