Avoid Getting Into an Argument over Harry Potter
There are many reasons why non-Harry Potter readers would start an argument about the beloved series. Here's how to keep your cool when Harry Potter comes up in a conversation.
- Ask why he or she has not read the books or doesn't like them. If the reason is the books are too long, suggest ways to read the book in portions or by chapter to make it seem shorter. Also, the books are available on tape and CD and listening to them can be a great way to pass time on car trips if someone doesn't have the time to sit and read the books. If they still say no, it's okay.
- If they just don't like them, perhaps because they find them boring, or maybe because they don't like all the Mary Sue type characters in the book (ex: Harry Potter, Dumbledore) or maybe they prefer other genres less focused on action, leave it at that. Not everyone has to like Harry Potter.
- Explain to people who say the Harry Potter books are promoting satanism/witchcraft that they are all in good fun. Don't persist if they tell you to back off, as this could get you exactly what you're trying to avoid. Tell them that it is all make-believe and that it's not scary to you.
- Do not advertise your appreciation of Harry Potter if you run in many Christian/conservative circles. Don't be untrue to yourself, but there's no need to bring it up on uncalled for situations. Many mistakenly consider an interest in Harry Potter to be an interest in 'the demonic' or 'witchcraft', and may have a lesser opinion of you if you seem obsessed with something they consider against their religion.
- Don't assume that all Christian/religious people would love to see Harry Potter burnt at the stake. Some will be very offended if you do.
- Ask people who had only watched the movies why they never read the books. Relay to them that the books are actually easier to understand, and that they illustrate the entire story of Harry Potter instead of just the interesting parts that the movies portray. Also explain that reading will make you understand better and make you more intelligent.
- Keep your cool. Don't try to shove the series down other people's throats if they're not prepared to swallow it. Not everyone can appreciate Harry Potter, or any book at that, controversial or not. Keep in mind that lots of books have had people completely for and completely against them, and that, in time, most haters learn to appreciate the works.
- Don't assume all Christians hate Harry Potter. This is a common misconception and could get you into a fight with any Christian, whether or not they like Harry Potter. Furthermore, many Christians are actually Harry Potter fans.
- If a person doesn't read the books because of their parents, don't go trashing their parents. Doing this would make an issue much larger than the books, and you'll almost always be in the wrong.
- Be sure not to let an argument turn into anything more than a friendly debate.
- Be firm but polite.
- Know who you are talking to. Even your closest friends can feel the need to rip on you after a night of robes-and-wand-swishing.
- Don't broadcast your obsession with Harry Potter with people you don't know. This alone could stop a nasty argument about the books.
- If the person is not a fan because of religious or moral reasons, respect them and what they believe in. Chances are you won't be able to change their beliefs. The best you can do is present yourself as a respectful individual.
- Remember, not everyone has to like the same things.
- Always be open-minded to other opinions regarding the book series.
- Don't go on about it if your discussion has lasted longer than 5 mins.
- Be polite about asking questions or making comments on the book.
- Everyone is unique. If your friends don't like Harry Potter do the above but if they still don't read the books just ignore it and change the topic.
- Never get violent.
- Don't be rude and/or yell.
- Don't stomp away before finishing the conversation.