Cope In School
Do you want to get through school without any problems? In order to do that, you will want to take a few things into consideration.
Being Prepared for School
- Get good quality, budget clothes. If the school doesn't have a uniform, wear nice, fashionable but affordable clothes. Wear jeans and a plain shirt if you want to look low key. If you have a uniform, keep it clean and dress it up with nice earrings or a bright bag. Don't try too hard to look fashionable, it's only school, not a fashion parade.
- If you go to a school without a school uniform, wear an outfit that is clean and stylish but that is practical for the day. for example if you have PE, don't wear a jump-suit or dungarees as they take a long time to remove and put on again.
- Make sure that your PE kit is always clean but don't wash it all the time or you may need to buy a new one too soon.
- Pack your schoolbag. As well as books, take a pencil case with extra pens and pencils, a ruler, an eraser, a pencil sharpener, scissors, a glue stick and sticky notes. Have all of your maths equipment, for example, a protractor, compass, and a scientific calculator. In your schoolbag, you may also want an 'emergency kit' with plasters, a bit of extra cash and emergency phone numbers in case anything happens and a water bottle in case you want a drink throughout the day.
- Be clean for school to make it a more pleasurable experience. Shower regularly and always wash your face and brush your teeth in the morning, as well as wearing deodorant. Brush your teeth twice a day, floss and use mouthwash.
- If you wear makeup, keep it simple as there is little reason to wear lots of it. Keep it to concealer, powder, mascara and lip balm/lip gloss.
- Have clean hair, and if you have a problem with frizz, sort it. A cool look in school is to straighten your hair, poker straight. However if you have wavy hair, smooth it out with some cream for loose sexy curls.
- Have fresh skin and try to keep spots away by taking any make up off at night and using a cleanser, toner and moisturizer.
Adjusting Your Attitude
- Address your attitude towards school. If you don't feel like there's much point in going to or enjoying school, then ask yourself why and how you can solve those problems. Find solutions rather than posing constant problems, and you'll already be on your way to finding it more bearable.
- Make a list of all the things about your school life that you want to improve on. This could be things like friends, grades or social life. After this, come up with ways you can correct these problems. For example, if you want to improve your grades, you could do some extra studying or go to the teacher for help.
- Select a day when these 'solutions' come into effect. It could be the start of a school year, next school term or next school week. Vow that from that day, you will use your solutions to make school a better place for yourself.
- Aim to enjoy your lessons. You can do your work and still have a good time. Ask your teacher if you can work in pairs. This can make new friends. But keep quiet and do some work, or the teacher will probably split you up. If working in pairs is not an option, either talk very quietly to the person nearest to you while working, or get your head down and concentrate very hard. It is important to revise before tests and exams, and always try to get high grades. Do your best on homework, and always bring it on time. Remember to bring all the equipment you need.
- Respect your teachers. There will be teachers that you don't like, and teachers who don't like you. Pay attention in lessons and they should like you more. As for teachers you hate or simply don't get along with, get through the lesson by distracting yourself. Think about what you are going to do that night, but don't daydream or stop doing your work. If you are really good, you will be able to do the work while thinking about other things.
Finding and Keeping Friendships at School
- Make friends. Be nice to everyone, don't give anyone a reason to be your enemy. Don't do anything trashy, like steal your best friend's boyfriend or get into a fight. Be nice and gentle with people, remember your manners and never lose your temper. You could get into a lot of trouble at school if you lose your head and go mouthing off at the wrong person.
- If you are unhappy with your friendship group, then find other people to be friends with, even if they are not in your school year. However, don't leave the friendship group suddenly as it may make you look bad and people may be mean to you for it.
- In the end, if you don't have many friends, remember that when you leave school, you probably will never see those people again, so don't let negative people get you down.
- Get out and meet the boys/girls. Don't be the person who hides in the corner and never approaches a boy/girl. Be friendly and casual with boys/girls, treat them like your friends and they will start seeing you in a new light. If you have a crush on someone, don't scare them by running over and declaring your love. Also, don't send them love notes or they will think of you as weird. Subtly ask them to the cinema, or tell them that you think they are cute or something. Don't be one of those girls/guys who dates everyone, and don't ever ever get desperate and date a total idiot. Respect yourself and never try to get a boyfriend/girlfriend by telling them you'll put out.
- Be calm and neutral before enemies. There will always be people who don't like you for whatever reason. You shouldn't be giving them a reason, so don't ever shout anything offensive at them or lose your temper. Remain calm and ignore them. They are probably just jealous. If they ever challenge you to a fight, walk away.
- Be kind to everyone. Say hi when walking past people in the corridor, help someone if they ask you to, and so on. You don't have to be everybody's best friend but never be mean to somebody 'just because'.
Being Organized at School
- Be organized for school mornings. You can make school seem better if you prepare well in the morning. Make sure you have everything packed, get a shower, take time to focus on your appearance. Also, it is important to eat a good breakfast. Try toast, cereal or crumpets! Also, drink a lot of water throughout the day and smile!
- Keep your locker clean and tidy. At some schools, they do random locker checks, so don't use your locker as a dump. Keep your PE kit in there, as well as some extra stationary and paper in case you have homework or lose you stuff. It is also a good idea to have an empty water bottle in your locker in case you or one of your friends want a drink.
- Be punctual. Always get to school on time in the morning as it can look bad if you always show up late and you miss some of your education. Only stay off school if you are contagious or have been sick. If you have a stomach/headache, just take some pain reliever and cope with it (but do get your parent's advice first).
- Always turn up to your lessons on time. You don't have to be early just make sure you get to your next class by the bell. If you get let out of class late by one of your teachers, just politely apologize to the teacher at your next class and say you were let out late.
Other Considerations
- Don't just always hang out with friends or in the library. Join a club or a sports team that you are interested in. Or if a class has a drop in session at lunch, go there to catch up on or improve work. Be active after school. Join clubs, be social, go to netball or football practice. Or invite your friends to the cinema or bowling, or to a dinner. Have fun, but always have enough time that night to go home and do any homework that you have. Also, getting sleep is important too, and remembering to pack your bag the night before.
- Don't freak out about things that don't really matter. If you fail a test in middle school, who cares? No college will ever look at your middle school report card. You can ask your teacher for extra credit, but even if they don't give it to you, you can still resolve to work harder in the future and bring up the grade. If you have psychotic parents, talk to them about lowering their impossible expectations a little bit. If you worked your hardest and still got only a B-, that's fine! Don't be hard on yourself, as it will have no major impact on your life.
At Home
- Do your homework before the day it's due in and never leave it til the night before. You don't have to do it the night you get it but make sure its done so that you have time to go back and check it.
- Pack your schoolbag the night before and plan your outfit as well if necessary. Make sure you get at least seven to eight hours sleep at night as well so you can function properly the next day.
- Start studying at least two weeks before tests. Don't spend more than an hour a day on revision though, as you could get bored and not remember any of it.
- Learn to relax. Don't start doing work the minute you get home from school. Give yourself half an hour to get a snack, change clothes if you want and just relax a little. Always leave time to relax, and don't get too worked up over tests or projects as it may affect your health, work and social life.
- Get out a little, even if it is just a walk or run around your neighborhood. Always have a few hours at the weekend that you can go out with friends or just relax.
- Remember to laugh, joke and have fun. Just because you are at school, doesn't mean you have to be boring and silent. Make many new friends.
- Get up in enough time. It helps to have a couple of alarm clocks far away from your bed to get you up.
- Share your interests with people and involve everyone in conversations.
- Always get involved with sports in PE, try your best and don't be lazy.
- Even if you don't like your teachers at least try to respect them as they are there to help you learn.
- Try not to get obsessed with boys/girls, everyone gets a crush, we know just try not to put all of your attention on that person or else people will talk about you. Just remember, school, family, friends, and your self confidence is all you need to survive grade school- all the way to college.
- If a false rumor is spread about you and you get asked about it, calmly deny it and move on, but don't lose your temper because that will only make things worse.
- Be polite to everyone.
- Don't get too bossy or big headed.
- Beware of big gangs who are known for beating people up for nothing. Most schools have those gangs. Whatever you do, do not get on the wrong side of them.
- If you have trouble at school or a problem with bullies, tell your parents or someone you trust. Never stay quiet about it. Ask your parent or someone you trust to not to tell them in front of you, or tell them you said that they were bullying you. it is so much harder that way, trust me
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