Be Emo in a School That Has a Strict Dress Code

Expressing oneself through personal style is a right to which everyone is entitled; a right particularly important to Reinvent Yourself (for Teens) and Establish Independence While Living in Family Home As a Young Adult. You need look no further than the swarms of tartan A-line shifts gathered at bus stops in the morning to see how laughably old-fashioned school dress codes are. Here are some tips on how to express yourself as an emo at school.


  1. Accept that school rules need to be followed. Rules are a good thing - they are in place to help instill the values which you'll need in order to be successful as an adult. However, getting around the rules in a way which nobody can technically give you grief about is an equally important life skill to hone and utilize.
  2. Obtain a copy of the school uniform policy or dress code. Study and memorize this document. Keep a copy in your school diary if necessary.
  3. Examine the wording of the document. Be nit-picky. Bear in mind they can equally nit-pick and find a policy that will give them the final decision.
    • Does the document say nobody can wear eyeliner, or only that boys can't wear eyeliner? If the rules are sexist in any way, use this to your advantage.
    • If you're a girl, wear a boy's tie. If you're a boy and girls are allowed to wear eye makeup, enforcing or tolerating gender-based double standards are inexcusable. It's no different to making rules specific to gender.
  4. Find loopholes. Perhaps no eyeliner is allowed, but is anything mentioned about "therapeutic" kohl used to strengthen and treat the eyelashes by many Middle Eastern women? (Be prepared to be asked for a doctor's note explaining the use of kohl.)
    • Teasing hair may not be allowed. Consider dying it black and wearing it in a long, sweeping fringe.
    • Crimping hair is not teasing. Although crimpers were shunned after the 80s you can still find them.
  5. Wear clear plastic studs to school.
    • People will notice the invisible jewelry.
    • Have the piercing done over long break so you can easily switch to the clear without fear of the hole closing, pain or infection.
  6. Express yourself in a way that is technically compliant with the dress code. If you are still getting hassled about it, calmly and politely say "I didn't realize there was a problem with my hair/outfit/whatever. Please tell me what it is about my look that is contrary to the dress code?"
    • Criticism may be delivered but action may not be taken since you are within the letter of the policy.
    • Again, be polite and calm, simply say "I'd like you to put that in writing".
    • "Please be specific and outline exactly which section of the dress code I am not complying with".
    • "I can't address the problem if you don't tell me what it is."
  7. Know your limits. Understand that if you push back they will likely use a vague clause or add a clause that leaves it at their discretion.
  8. Negotiate with administrators and student leaders.
    • Explain how your freedoms are being repressed, morale is low and request that students be allowed to wear hair and make up as desired on a certain day.
    • Honor to wear your uniforms by the strictest standard if the cosmetic policies are lifted.


  • If you're trying something new with makeup, pack some remover just in case you are forced to remove it.
  • Remove Smudged Mascara can also fill in a lash line. To avoid long, feminine lashes, only apply the mascara to the base of the last near the eyelid. Don't sweep up the rest of the lash.
  • If they give you a "casual day" they will watch closely. Warn everyone to enjoy a bit of freedom but not go overboard with their outfits. The administration will probably give you enough string to hang yourselves so the issue will be moot.
  • Respect the Live within the Rules of Dorm Life, but know your rights.
  • If dark eyeliner isn't allowed you can try a medium grey matte eyeshadow, blended above and below the eye just slightly above the lash line. Blend it so well it fades into the lid (no harsh lines, just slight shadowing). Practice at home to get the right colors.
  • Understand that school is not a court of law and the administration's rule will likely prevail.
  • Have a conversation with your parents about your displeasure with the policies. Perhaps they will be lenient when they know what you're up to. Perhaps your parents agree and will stand by you.
  • You may get further by showing maturity than picking apart a school dress code. That dress code was formed over decades of students, just like yourself, bucking the system.


  • You can be sent home for violating the dress code or asked to remove or correct your violation. Always carry extra hairbands in case you need to tie your hair up into the standard ponytail and pack makeup remover so you won't be forced to use hand soap.

Things You'll Need

  • Copy of dress code policy and student handbook.
  • Necessary products to create subtle looks.
  • Alternate items should you need to change or undo your look.
  • Makeup remover.
  • Hair accessories.

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