Cope With a Lonely Valentine's Day

Nobody likes to be lonely, especially not on Valentine's Day. Here are some things to distract you, to put an end to those lonely feelings and to bring sunshine and fun into the day.


  1. Connect with a cherished friend. Buy this person a card and maybe some chocolates. Get in touch with this person on Valentine's Day and spend some time together having fun.
  2. Get a group of single friends together. If possible, get them to bring any singles they know and play speed friending. This is like speed dating but but for friends. You could make new friends and learn something new about your oldest mates in the process.
  3. Spend time with your pets. Make them Valentine's Day cards, buy them some special treats such as dog-safe chocolates or some specialty cat biscuits. Get your other pet-owning friends involved and spend time together with friends and pets.
  4. Get dressed up. Gather some friends, draw some characters out of a hat and dress up as that character. Make it Valentine themed, such as famous couples, power couples or movie couples. Then you and your 'partner' can meet that night and be on teams.
  5. Go shopping with a friend or family member. If you go to the mall, then you'll be busy for hours. Save up money beforehand so you'll have some spending money so you won't have to go home as early.
  6. Watch movies. Avoid the romantic ones if you're pining for love. Comedies, action and adventure are your best bets.
    • Avoid the romantic comedies too.
  7. Play video games that you've never played before. This will distract you for hours.
  8. Run or play a sport. Visit a club or play a team sport if you want to be around people.
  9. Bake cookies or cakes. You can always give them to your friends, family, and co-workers, giving you a good excuse to bake lots of them.
  10. Clean. Use this day to clean away the cobwebs and give your rooms and house a fresh start for new beginnings. Take out everything, then vacuum the floor. When is the last time you did that?
  11. Read a good book. Find a book that really interests you and aim to have it read by the day's end. That'll keep you distracted for the entire day.
    • Pop into the library if it's open and read several books while having people around you.
  12. Aim to enjoy yourself. Celebrate your life and the all the love in it already!

Sample Activities

Doc:Single Valentine's Day Activities


  • Spend time with friends and family on Valentine's Day. They're people who matter to you and can chase away feelings of loneliness.
  • Avoid hanging around sad people or people who insist you need to be part of a couple to be happy. They'll only bring you down and they are being unrealistic and missing all the other things that matter in life.
  • Do your homework. Valentine's Day is somewhat in the middle of the normal American school year, so you could always study for the midterms.

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