Dispose of Empty Gasoline Cans Safely

Although gasoline simply burns, gasoline plus air forms an explosive vapor that can literally take out your entire neighborhood.


  1. Understand the dangers. Although gasoline simply burns, gasoline plus air forms an explosive vapor that can literally take out your entire neighborhood. For this reason, it's not wise to store or carry gasoline unless you're heading far away from any source of fuel (and use only a specialized, vented gas can in that unlikely event). If you have an old gasoline can around, get rid of it!
  2. Immediately add water until it's full and, as soon as you can, take it to a recycling center that handles toxic waste. If there's no center nearby, ask your local service station if they dispose of it for you.


  • Some people keep gasoline around to clean parts with. This is extremely dangerous. Mechanic's solvent, available at gas stations and auto parts supply stores, works better and has been treated with a flame retardant to keep it from burning too freely.


  • If this method does not work, ask a local auto body shop for help.

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