Do a Surfer on a Flatland BMX Bike

This is the easiest way to learn a trick that really looks cool, and is really fun and easy to do.


  1. Ride at a medium speed. The faster you ride the easier it is to balance. The slower you go, the harder it is to get up to the surfing position, but easier to bail the trick if something goes wrong.
  2. Stand on the back pegs. This is just to get your feet off the pedals.
  3. Use one foot to rotate you pedals to a horizontal position. This will make it easier to get out of a surfer.
  4. Place the foot of the weaker of your two legs on the top tube of the frame. Near the seat is best.
  5. Put the other foot on the handlebars. It should be parallel to the handlebars, with your heel close to one brake and your toes close to the other break. Imagine how it would be if you were skateboarding. Your feet wouldn't be pointing forwards.
  6. Bring the other foot that was on the frame onto the seat.
  7. Make sure that you have the confidence to continue. This trick is 90% guts from here on out.
  8. Let go of the handlebars with your hands, as hard as it may be.
  9. Straighten yourself out and enjoy the view.
  10. Coast for a while.
  11. Put your hands back on the handlebars to get down and find the pedal that is forward.
  12. Put the foot that is on the handlebars and place it on that pedal.
  13. Take your other foot off the seat, and place it on the other pedal. If all went well, you just did a surfer.
  14. Ride away.


  • The optimal speed for learning this trick is slightly slower than you can run. That way if you do fall, you can run out and not get hurt.
  • Steer the bike with your front foot if you start to fall to the right or the left. If you are falling right, steer right and vice versa.
  • Get up slowly. There is no rush.


  • Failure to understand your limits can result in serious injury or even death.
  • This trick is very dangerous and should not be attempted unless you are sure you know what you are doing.

Things You'll Need

  • A Bike with a hard seat, and regular handlebars (Not the old school chopper bars).
  • Confidence.
  • A good sense of balance.

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